Chapter 6: A Warning

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Chapter 6: A Warning

"Captain, I'm detecting something strange near our position." Called out Horan from his station on the bridge. He had been sitting at his science station, trying to make sense of this 'hyperspace scanner' that Commander T'pon had been explaining to him, and the physics of pushing a ship into subspace, when his console had gone off detecting a perimeter alert.

"Yes what is it?" Trent asked as he got up from his command chair to look at Horan's station.

"A small metallic object... oh wait a minute it just vanished." answered Horan, looking slightly bewildered at this turn of events. "I could almost swear there was something there."

"Where was the position of the object when you last saw it?" Trent Queried.

"It was roughly 10,000 Kilometers away." Replied Horan. "Just inside visual range and far within our sensor range."

"Are there any objects in that area that could cloud our sensors at that range?" Asked Trent.

"There is a class 4 comet in that general area." answered Horan. "Comet Ivor Alpha-7, currently in it's trailing state. It will pass our location within 20 minutes."

"What's the status of the Devastator Th'etonnor?" Asked Trent.

"They appear to have called an additional 4 vessels to their position of the same design." answered Th'etonnor. "I'm detecting a continuous link between the Devastator and that comet."

"It's most likely that the object you found is from the Devastator Horan," stated Trent, "and they are using it right now to spy on us."

"That is a very likely case." Concluded Horan. "Based on our combat with them before, I think that their range is limited to roughly 100 Kilometers, and they possess no computerized targeting system. It would be evident that they have to rely on easy to manufacture probes in order to get their way around."

"Th'etonnor, have the Princess brought up here." Ordered Trent. "Put us on yellow alert and recommend that the Galway and the Crazy Horse do the same."

"Aye sir." Replied Th'etonnor. He tapped a few buttons and after a few minutes, Princess Leia was on the bridge of the Arizona.

"I tell you what, this ship is more than good enough to serve a...woah" commented Leia as she walked on the bridge, suddenly shocked at the size of it. "The bridge of the Tantive is nowhere near the size of this bridge."

"Yes, it is." replied Trent. "However, we have something more important than the layout of the ship."

He gestured to one of the science stations at the back. "We picked up a small metallic object a few minutes ago. Evidence shows that it's a probe of unknown design origin, evidently from the Devastator. The Devastator is communicating with the probe, and the probe is sending back a series of mathematical equations we intercepted. We can't figure out if it's a code of some sort, as it doesn't conform to any mathematical code used by our galaxy"

"Those aren't in code, what you're seeing is not a language of sorts." answered Leia. "Those are hyperspace equations."

"So you're saying that the probe is merely telling the Devastator the fastest way it can get here?" asked Trent.

"I'm afraid so." replied Leia. "And now there's 5 star destroyers here, they'll stop at nothing to destroy us and all the forces here."

"Captain, the Enterprise is signalling us." called out Th'etonnor. "They report a probe of unknown design appeared out of nowhere and scanned them. When they put a tractor beam on it, it exploded."

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