Chapter 3: First Engagements

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Chapter 3: First Engagements

Engagement 1: Engagement in the Ivor System

United Federation of Planets

Galactic Empire

Ship/s: USS Arizona

Class: Galaxy Venture Refit

Maximum combat speed: warp 9.7

Armament: 14 Type X Phaser banks, 2 torpedo launchers, 250 Photon Torpedoes, 50 Quantum Torpedoes

Weapons firing arcs: Forward, Aft, Starboard, Port, Dorsal, Ventral

Auxiliary craft: 8 shuttlecraft, 1 Danube Class Runabout

Ship/s: ISD Devastator

Class: Imperial 1

Maximum combat speed: MGLT 60

Armament: 75 turbolaser cannons (turret based), 60 ion cannons.

Weapons layout: Forward, Starboard, Port, Dorsal

Auxiliary craft: 72 TIE fighters, 8 Lambda class shuttles, 15 Troop Transports

"This is Devastator TIE group 1. We'll be in weapons range of the target in two minutes." announced the leader of the fighters over the intercom.

"Understood Group 1." replied Kerala. "Remember to target any areas you could consider to be a weapon or propulsion of any sort."

"Understood Devastator. TIE group 1 out."responded the leader before he ended to transmission to focus on their new target.

"Such a pity. The rebels don't seem to have enough fighters to go around." commented Kerala as he walked over to Vader. "I was expecting a wave of fighters right now to begin attacking our own fighters, but this might just be an unarmed scout ship."

"Do not underestimate this new enemy's capabilities Kerala." coldly responded Vader. "There is a reason why I ordered those fighters after the Rebel ship."

"And what are we to do about the Tantive IV?" asked Kerala. "After all this new enemy must be so to warrant turning our attention from th-"

He gasped at his throat as he suddenly felt a sort of force around his neck. It was making it difficult for him to breath almost. He tried to speak further, but couldn't; the force had a chokehold on him.

He fell to his knees, holding his throat while trying to breathe. Vader must've been using his mysterious 'force' abilities on him. He looked up to confirm his suspicions; vader was indeed holding his hand in a chokehold position, aimed at his throat.

He almost looked like he was about to close his hand into a fist, but then he suddenly released it, leaving Kerala gasping on the ground.

"Next time you question my orders again you will not survive another force-choke." vader warned. "Is that understood?"

"Yes, my Lord." weakly replied Kerala. He got up and hurried away from Vader and moved to stand above the fighter operations station in left trench on the bridge.

"Fighters are engaging in 10 seconds." announced the lieutenant at fighter operations. Everyone that could see out the bridge windows looked up at what they expected to be a minor detour from their current operation. The fighters opened fire with their twin laser cannons on the Arizona...only for their shots to be harmlessly absorbed by the shields.

"TIE group 1 to Devastator. We're unable to penetrate the shields of the Rebel starship. Looking for-" was all the group leader could say before the Arizona fired several beams of energy at different fighters, including the group leader's fighter. The Arizona continually fired on the other fighters, eliminating each in one shot as they attempted to go to the rear, where they thought they would find a blind spot in the Arizona's weapons, shields or both. However, they quickly found that the Arizona wasn't lacking in either area at the rear.

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