Chapter 4: A Reprieve

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Chapter 4: A Reprieve

"Approaching Ivor prime now captain." Announced Hawk as the Arizona rapidly approached the dead world. This planet, home to once a thriving federation colony, was now a lifeless husk, the site of the colony a gaping crater surrounded by the rapidly re-approaching native vegetation.

"Move us to the rendezvous point ensign." ordered Trent, his hands still gripping his chair from the violent shaking caused by the Devastator's energy weapons. While the ship had luckily survived it's short no shields encounter, it had left it with deep battle scars similar to what it had inflicted to the Devastator. "What's the full damage report like?"

"It appears that the port nacelle has a major plasma leak, limiting us to warp 6." reported The'tonnor. "We've got casualties on decks 13 through 16, and the saucer separation mechanism is fused, alongside damage to the primary sensor array."

"That limits us to scanning within a planetary radius." commented Aldrin.

"Where's the Crazy Horse and the Galway?" asked Trent.

"Crazy Horse should still be 10 minutes away." replied Horan. "Galway however should be arriving... now."

As he finished his sentence, the USS Galway dropped out of warp close to the Arizona. The Galway, being an Akira Class, was about two thirds the size of the Arizona, but was no less powerful. The Galway, unlike the Arizona, had a more torpedo based weapons system, with a total of 15 torpedo launchers in it's upper weapons pod. The Galway also possessed immunity from the Breen energy dampening weapon but also had ablative armour all over the hull, adding another layer of protection to the catamaran-style structure of the ship.

"Galway is hailing us." Announced The'tonnor.

"Onscreen." Ordered Trent. As soon as he said that, the face of Arnold Styles, Captain of the Galway, appeared on the view screen with his bustling bridge behind him.

"Captain Trent! Long time no see." Started Styles. "What sort of mess have you gotten yourself into this time?"

"The one where we find someone who wants to be our enemy come through an anomaly." Replied Trent. "Speaking of which, could you lend us a hand with repairs?"

"Of course." Answered Styles. "After all if this enemy is as aggressive as you say they are, we're going to need as much muscle as we can get."

"And as much help as well." Continued Trent.

"We picked up a small corvette style ship while we were getting away from them. It appears the larger ship was pursuing it for some reason.", and wanted it destroyed to the point where it used it as a shield and tried to take it from us."

"An interesting predicament." replied Styles. "Have you tried hailing it yet?"

"We hailed it while we were making our way here." answered Trent. "The ship didn't respond, however, we did detect a damaged ion reactor when we scanned it. We're planning on beaming over to the vessel once we've started repairs."

"Well, best not to delay you further." Remarked Styles. "I'll beam aboard a few engineering teams to your ship."

"Thanks Styles." Thanked Trent. "I owe you one now."

"No worries captain." Replied Styles. "Just buy me a few drinks at Starbase 75 and you'll be good."

"Understood. Arizona out." Finished Trent. Styles smiled as the channel closed.

"Aldrin, take an away team to the unidentified vessel." Trent requested. "Search for survivors and if there are any, take them back to the Arizona for treatment."

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