Chapter 5: New Friends

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Chapter 5: New Friends

Ensign Hawk stood outside the door to the medical bay. She had been ordered by Captain Trent to escort the female who had been identified as Princess Leia Organia to her diplomatic guest quarters. Normally Hawk would be playing pool down in the recreation room with the rest of the bridge crew, but for the past 7 hours she had been running around trying to manage the 1,000 people on this ship to fix both the Arizona and the newly identified Tantive IV. She started to think back to how she managed to get such a high ranking position on a starship, and how she ended up in the position she was in.

Her parents were both on the USS Melbourne when it was reassigned to combat the borg at Wolf 359. The Melbourne was destroyed by the Borg with all hands, leaving her 10 year old self and her 12 year old brother Sean orphans. They lived with their grandparents for a while before her brother attended Starfleet Academy, with her following suit 4 years after. It was then that the borg's second incursion occurred, but this time the borg came with a plan B; they sent a ship back in time to assimilate earth in it's infancy. The Enterprise E, being caught in the wake of the temporal vortex, went back in time with the borg ship to stop it from assimilating earth. They succeeded in destroying the borg ship, but not before the borg began assimilating the Enterprise itself, assimilating nearly half the crew before they were stopped. Among that half was Lieutenant Sean Hawk, who was assimilated attempting to stop the Borg from contacting the Borg of that era. After that incident, Sabrina went on a downward spiral, repeatedly showing up to class drunk or unprepared and nearly failing her 3rd year at the academy. It was Captain Trent, posted at Starfleet Command before taking the Arizona, who helped her out of that state, encouraging her to get back in shape and succeed near the top of her class, promising her a chance on one of the most prominent classes of ship that Starfleet fielded.

A few years after the Dominion War, Sabrina, who had been promoted to Lieutenant following the war, was selected by Trent as the Head of Operations on the Arizona, fulfilling the promise he made her. Although the Arizona has been bogged down with minor work better suited to older Miranda and Constellation Class starships, she enjoyed being a senior officer on a Galaxy Class ship, and considered Trent and Aldrin as parental figures, guiding her where her parents couldn't.

A combadge chirp snapped her out of thought.

"Trent to Hawk." Came through the small locator/communicator device on the left side of her chest. She immediately tapped it and replied "Hawk here."

"Our guest is awake and is about to go to her quarters." Revealed Trent. "I want you to escort her there."

"Aye sir." Answered Hawk.

"And Sabrina," added Trent. "Try and create some small talk with her. We want her as an ally so we can figure out the best solution to this issue."

"Yes captain." Replied Hawk. "I won't let you down."

"Good to know. Trent out." Ended Trent as the communicator signalled the termination of the connection between the two of them.

Hawk straightened her uniform out, preparing herself to take this woman to her guest quarters on deck 7. She eagerly awaited her arrival, in an attempt to try to exhibit Starfleet's values in front of a new culture.

Almost automatically, the doors to the medical bay opened up to reveal a human woman, dressed in Federation sickbay clothes and looking slightly disappointed about her predicament.

"Hi there! I'm Lieutenant Hawk, head of operations on the USS Arizona!" Brightly welcomed Hawk. "I'm here to escort you to your quarters.

"Good." Answered the woman. "I'm Princess Leia Organa of Organia."

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