Chapter 8: No Rest for the Weary

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Chapter 8: No Rest For The Weary

Inside the brig of the Arizona, Vader stood up and walked towards the forcefield preventing him from leaving. Outside, several other crew members from the Devastator sat up in their cells as he touched the forcefield, making sure it existed before he activated his lightsaber. He cut through the emitter at the top of the forcefield wall, causing the field to flicker out and die.

Before the security guard could react to this, he felt a strange force around his throat. It started choking him and raising him up in the air. He looked down at the man who had just escaped; he was holding his hand in a choking position. The last thing he saw was the man closing his hand into a fist before everything went black.

The now dead man was thrown across the room as Vader systematically destroyed the emitters for every brig room his men were in, setting them free whilst also destroying the security cameras and sensors to mask their escape.

"Thanks for helping us my lord." Thanked one of the officers he had just freed. "What is Commander Kerala doing right now though?"

"He's preparing for our arrival." Answered Vader. "Men, take your weapons and try to locate this ship's hangar bay. Secure a vessel for our disembarkment and wait for me."

"What will you be doing my lord?" Asked the officer.

"I will attempt to secure the plans for this starship and the teleported which brought us here for the emperor." Replied Vader. "Regarding of which we have little time. With haste men!"

The officers all ran out of the brig, conforming in one large group. Vader went out and ran in the opposite direction, his lightsaber to bare as he saw a lone officer walking down the hallway looking at a pad.

The officer, who had a blue collar, saw him and turned and ran in the opposite direction. She pressed some sort of badge on her chest and said something indeterminable from Vader's point of view before he held her in place with a force choke.

"What is your name?" Coldly Asked Vader, the tenseness of the situation making him even more angry.

"Ensign *cough* Melinda Conway" was all she could say through the chokehold.

"Where would I be able to find the schematics for this vessel?" Queried Vader, his grip on the female loosening to let her speak.

"I don't know, I've never had to use them before, I'm a medical officer." She whimpered in desperation. "Main Engineering on deck 36 would be my guess, please don't kill me, I have a family back on-"

Her sentence was interrupted by the sound of a phaser hitting Vader in the back. The hit wasn't enough to stun him like it would be for a normal person, but it was enough for him to lose his grip on Ensign Conway, who quickly got up and ran away as Vader turned his attention to the 2 security officers who were now firing at him. He swiftly charged them, deflecting their phaser shots with his lightsaber, the first officer being hit by his own blast, which had been reset to kill in an effort to try disable Vader, leaving a black mark on his chest as he was knocked onto the ground. The second officer fired another shot at Vader, this one deflected onto the wall, before he was stabbed by Vader's lightsaber, the sudden shock of being stabbed leaving him with widened eyes as he died. Vader felt sorry for the man as he saw the life drain out of his eyes, but at the same time felt immense pleasure from killing him. He turned and ran as he heard more footsteps coming from the corridor, running into what was discernibly a lift of some sort. The doors opened to accommodate him and then hissed shut.

"Please state destination." asked the computer in a female monotone voice.

"Deck 36." stated Vader. The turbolift beeped to signal that it had understood his station and then proceeded to take him their, the lift whirring as it hurled itself through the bellows of the ship.

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