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In his throne room on Coruscant, Emperor Palpaltine sat in his chair, awaiting news from Lord Vader's fleet. Vader had usually been quite competent in matters such as this, so why hadn't he received his status update when he had requested it? It could be due to issues with communications through the anomaly, but even that could be resolved with the use of a shuttle.

An admiral walked through into the throne room towards Palpaltine, in his hands a report yet to be filed away.

"Admiral, do you bring us news from Lord Vader?" Questioned Palpaltine.

"I'm afraid it's news of the bad kind." Answered the Admiral. "One of the probes from the Devastator returned to us with news of the battle. We lost 3 star destroyers, including the Devastator, and the remainder were captured.."

"Anything from Vader himself?" Asked Palpatine.

"We received no comuniques from Vader directly. However, based on the locator in his suit, he was briefly aboard the Arizona, before escaping and being destroyed by a group of mutineers who took over the Devastator."

"Get out." ordered Palpatine. The Admiral fearfully walked out, the emperor's guards slowly turning to face him as he walked out.

"Well, you've won." Called Palpaltine into the distance. "Come on, show yourself!"

"Very well, I'll come out." Replied a voice out of nowhere. The voice materialised in a flash, turning into a human wearing an imperial uniform, complete with a Grand Moff's rank badges.

"Why must you pretend to be a Grand Moff Q?" Disgustedly Asked Palpaltine.

"Oh I merely wish to impress you, mon empereur." Answered Q in a defensive manner. "It never offended Picard when I wore his uniform."

"Who's Picard?" Impatiently Asked Palpaltine.

"...Never mind." replied Q. "He's a person from my universe, quite resourceful actually. Doesn't really like me though."

"I'm starting to see why." commented Palpaltine.

"So, have you learned your lesson now, young weak one?" prodded Q with a smile.

"Yes I have." replied Palpaltine. "The empire is not the only powerful human force in the multiverse."

"And it never has been." added Q. "Did you know that there are many parallel universes that have been in existence long before yours where humanity has successfully taken to the stars, even peacefully co-existed amongst other lifeforms. And look at you, a human driven dictatorship which oppresses and murders those not in the military. It's no wonder that pitiful rebellion of yours is gaining influence in your poor excuse for a senate."

"That's enough Q!" yelled Palpaltine, his patience reaching it's upper limits. "There is no need for this pointless mocking of my empire. I am going to announce that a group of savages from another universe destroyed 5 Star Destroyers. As a result of that, I will be declaring war on this so called 'United Federation of Planets' and any other political power in that universe who would dare to side with them."

"I see I may have overstayed my welcome here, now that you're this angry." Q commented with a slightly sad tone to his voice. "However, before I go, if you're going to attack the Federation, I have something to give you."

"What could you possibly give me that would help me?" bitterly asked Palpaltine.

"Let's just say he's your favourite pet." replied Q with a smirk. With a snap of his fingers, Q disappeared in a flash of light, and in his place stood Darth Vader, still standing as he was when the Colorado was destroyed.

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