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apparently, life decided to go, "haha, fuck you" and now i have literally no time to do anything, i started driving school, physics sucks, and on top of all that i'm sick. stupid bad immune system. stupid wings.
anyways, wing update here, i got more movement! not voluntarily, but while i was outside drawing today, they were twitching a lot, well, idk if i should call it twitching but it was way different than the usual twitching i get, i could feel the whole wing move!
also, constant wing pain. it sucks.
i listen to wing subs during the day and sometimes at night, other times i listen to other subs like for my hair or for shifting realities (nothing huge, i just wanna live out a few shows.)
good news, i start flight school in a year (as in airplanes, not wings).
also i'm sorry i haven't responded to the requests to join our flock, as i said i've been very busy lately :(
have a great day!

i meant to publish this yesterday oops
am sick still

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