Chapter 9: The Battle of Tatooine

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Chapter 9: The Battle of Tatooine

Engagement 7: The Battle of Tatooine

United Federation of Planets/Alliance to Restore the Republic

Galactic Empire

Class: Galaxy/ Galaxy Venture Refit

Ships present: 10

Known ships: USS Arizona, USS Venture

Maximum combat speed: warp 9.9

Armament: 12/14 Type X Phaser banks, 2 torpedo launchers, 200 Photon Torpedoes, 100 Quantum Torpedoes

Weapons firing arcs: Forward, Aft, Starboard, Port, Dorsal, Ventral

Auxiliary craft: 8 shuttlecraft, 1 Danube Class Runabout

Class: Imperial 1

Ships present: 100

Known ships: ISD Carnivorous

Maximum combat speed: MGLT 60

Armament: 75 turbolaser cannons (turret based), 60 ion cannons.

Weapons layout: Forward, Starboard, Port, Dorsal

Auxiliary craft: 72 TIE fighters, 8 Lambda class shuttles, 15 Troop Transports

Class: Galaxy X

Ships present: 1

Known ships: USS Olympus

Maximum combat speed: warp 9.98

Armament: 2 Phaser cannons, 15 Type XII Phaser banks, 1 type XX Spinal Lance Phaser, 7 torpedo launchers, 200 Photon Torpedoes, 200 Quantum Torpedoes

Weapons firing arcs: Forward, Aft, Starboard, Port, Dorsal, Ventral

Auxiliary craft: 4 shuttlecraft, 12 Peregrine Class fighters, 8 Danube Class Runabouts

Class: Imperial 2

Ships present: 70

Known ships: ISD Vigilance

Maximum combat speed: MGLT 60

Armament: 75 turbolaser cannons (turret based), 60 ion cannons.

Weapons layout: Forward, Starboard, Port, Dorsal, Ventral

Auxiliary craft: 72 TIE fighters, 8 Lambda class shuttles, 15 Troop Transports

Class: Excelsior/ Excelsior Refit

Ships present: 15

Known ships: USS Lakota, USS Hood

Maximum combat speed: warp 9.4

Armament: 16 Type VIII/10 Type X Phaser banks, 6 torpedo launchers, 60/30 Photon Torpedoes, 60/90 Quantum Torpedoes

Weapons firing arcs: Forward, Aft, Starboard, Port, Dorsal, Ventral

Auxiliary craft: 6 shuttlecraft, 6 shuttlepods

Class: Venator

Ships present: 30

Known ships: none

Maximum combat speed: 60 MGLT

Armament: 10 turbolaser cannons (turret based), 60 laser cannons, 4 torpedo launchers, 200 Proton torpedoes

Weapons layout: Forward, Starboard, Port, Dorsal, Ventral

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