2. City Mark

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George's POV


"That's what I go by these days." He lifts his shoulders in carelessness as he says it. "So who am I dealing with today?"

I scratch my arm as I look at him.

"My name's George."

"Just George?"

"Eh, yes? I guess?"

"Hm," he hums from behind the mask.

"Pleasure to meet you, George. Now tell me.." He pushes himself up again from leaning against the wall, his arms crossed as he takes a stance in front of me. "Why the fuck were you out by yourself near three in the morning? You know what happens around here, right?"

"I've heard stories, yeah.. But I never knew what to believe."

"So you wanted to investigate?"


"And you thought it'd be a good idea to do that all alone, after the stories you've been told?" I can almost hear his eyebrow raise as he makes the remark. 

For a second I don't know what to answer. The silence floods over us. Dream sighs. 

"I guess I don't have to tell you that was not a smart move," he says as he approaches me. I shake my head, a blush creeping on my cheeks from embarrassment, which I can only hope he doesn't see in the bad lighting. 

It was a bad idea going alone. I knew there were dangers if the stories turned out to be true. I feel shame rise in me, and I look to the ground. If this guy hadn't taken me here, I would be long dead by now. 

"Hey, it's alright. We all make bad decisions sometimes." He shrugs his shoulders and I look back up at him. "Sit down, I'll get you a glass of water." I look at him with gratefulness and I flash him a smile. I wonder what he looks like behind the mask. Is it rude for me to ask?

I sit down on the dirty couch, and I let my gaze wander around the room. The bed isn't made, the blanket is just thrown off to the side messily. He doesn't seem to have many belongings, and the ones he has are scattered across the floor. Among them are some empty water bottles, a set of keys (to use where? This place doesn't even have doors), a cracked phone I assume doesn't work anymore, a chocolate bar, and some books. There is a small pile of clothes on the ground by the foot end of the bed, but it seems to only consist of black jeans and some colored hoodies, like he is wearing right now. I scan him from the couch as he pours a glass of water at the make shift kitchen counter. It's made out of stacked cupboards that look like they belonged to a wall at some point. 

I study his physique as he removes the weapons from his belt and takes the sword from under his hoodie, putting it down on the countertop. He's pretty tall, taller than me at least. His posture is quite normal, but from the slightly oversized green hoodie I can't really tell if he's muscled or not. 

He turns around as I stare at him. Busted. Crap. I try to look away nonchalantly but I hear a soft grin as he comes walking back with the glass of water. He sets it on the floor and plops down on the other side of the couch.

"Can I ask you another question?"

"You just did," he says sassily. 

I roll my eyes.

"Can I ask you a few questions?" 


I decide to be bold.

"What's up with the mask?" 

He remains quiet. I try to find a way to read his expression, but it's hard judging what he feels by just his body language and no facial expressions. I see hesitation as he shifts on the couch.

"I just keep my identity hidden. I don't want The Hyenas to know my name or what I look like. They could go after my family for.." He's picking his words carefully. ".. for the things I had to do."

"So you've isolated yourself here?" 

"Pretty much, yeah."

We're in a very desolate part of the city. It used to be full of life, regular city life. People going to work, children going to school, teenagers partying until deep into the night. It was normal. Now they tell us not to go here. To just stay within the 'Safe Border'. I never understood what happened.

The Safe Border is a tall wall built around the still functioning part of the city. Within there, you are being told almost nothing. Stories go around, but nobody seems to know what is true and what is not. I have been within the Safe Border my entire life. It was already there when I was born, and my parents have refused to tell me how it came to be. There have been curious teens who went over the wall, never to be seen again. One of which I know.. But something in me tells me this 'Dream' guy has a different story. 

"What about you? What made you so curious to come investigate?" he asks me. Should I tell him the actual story? Or would he just think I'm crazy for it? I barely know the guy. But he did save my life.. 

I yawn as I contemplate what to tell him.

"You know what? Let's talk more tomorrow. You look like you need some sleep first," he tells me, probably registering my hesitation. I smile at him and nod. That's.. very considerate of him.

"You're not telling me you sleep with that thing on as well, right?" I joke, referring to his mask. He laughs at my remark. His laugh is kinda cute. What? Did I just think that? 

"Nah, no, that's not a challenge I want to take on," he says to me laughing. "Do you promise you're not a Hyena spy?"

"Would any of the Hyenas have this?" I raise my wrist, showing the city mark. 

Unfortunately we're not the only city that's like this. Nearly everywhere around the world, cities had to resort to extra safety measures because of intruders with killer instincts. Not every city can provide for themselves though, so there had to be a trading system built. But, nobody knows how smart the intruders are. If they can fake being a resident and smuggle information, they can take over the rest of the city too. So actual residents have to register themselves, and get a mark on their wrist with a chip, to signify which city you're a part of. When you leave or enter a city, your wrist gets scanned and you have to identify yourself, so they can always track in which city you are.

"Very fair point," Dream says, and I see his hands rise to his face. First he pulls off his hood, revealing dark blonde hair beneath it. Then, he starts lifting his mask, and I'm met with a pair of green eyes, almost the same color as his hoodie. For the first time I see him smile and for some strange reason I lose all my cognitive functions, not knowing what to say to him. I catch myself staring at him and I shake it off, turning my gaze to a random piece of wall. Damn it George, could you be more obvious? A blush appears onto my face, and I hear Dream grin. 

"You can sleep on the couch if you want."

"Yeah, um, thanks.. Also for saving me and stuff.."

"No problem, George. Guess I finally have a friend around here." He smiles at me politely as he hands me an extra pillow and blanket, grabbed from under his bed. "And if you get cold or anything, you know, feel free to join me." My eyes widen as I raise my head to look at him. He bursts out laughing. "Just kidding. Unless.." He smirks at me and I crack a smile as well.

"Sure, Dream, I'll come cuddle you if you so desperately want me to." 

We both laugh as he makes his way to bed and I get comfortable on the couch. I know he's joking, but the idea of cuddling someone does seem nice right now. Wait, what? No, stop it. You met this guy like half an hour ago. Cut out the crap and go to sleep. 

"Good night, George."

"Good night, Dream."

The Hyenas {Dreamnotfound AU}Where stories live. Discover now