34. Second Chance

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George's POV

If I held Clay's hand any tighter, it would probably break his bones from the sheer force of my nerves. Now that we are approaching the base, every muscle in my body seems to tense up. They can't know this is all our plan, they can't know who is following right behind us. We have to be so incredibly careful, and it makes my stomach turn. Technoblade's sword burns against my back as I feel its shape press into the fabric of my hoodie. Clay's eyes are focussed on the road ahead, and I can tell he's anxious as well.

We know exactly what we need to do. We know the plan inside out, better than the back of our hands or the insides of our pockets, and yet I would still rather turn around. Tucked away in my hoodie pocket are Eret's sunglasses, constantly reminding me of what we are doing this for. He would want me to get out of here, to go home.

The tall building that I recognize as the Hyena base appears in the distance, standing as an ominous silhouette against the grey sky. I know this is the moment where I'm supposed to let go of Clay's hand, but I feel myself being held back. He turns his face to me as he relaxes his hand, losing grip on mine, but I in response just grab it back with both of my hands.


"Just give me a second," I interrupt him, staring nervously at the building. 

"It's going to be okay," he says, using his free hand to try and lift mine off carefully.

"We can still go back," I tell him, looking up into his eyes, pity displayed in them. 

"You know we can't," he answers, lifting his hand to run it across my cheek. "If we go back now, they find out. They'll just kill us when we don't see it coming. This is our chance." 

I know he's right. I know it, because it's my fault. I left us no choice. If I hadn't gone with Wilbur, if I hadn't pretended to go along with them, we'd have more time to figure it out, rather than going in with only a day's worth of planning. We'd have more time for us, to figure out what we are, what we feel, and how we want it to be between us. I just want more time. 

"I need more than this, I need more than the stupid bunker and being scared of the dark," I blurt out, watching the pity in Clay's eyes make place for a hint of surprise. "I-.. I need more than one stupid kiss on a couch that isn't even ours, and I need-.. I want-.. there has to be more time." The words spill out of my mouth in stutters, and I feel Clay's hand gripping mine again, before pulling me into his arms, pressing my face into his chest. "I need more time with you because if you die in there I will never forgive myself," I say, my words muffled by the fabric of his sweater. 

"Shhh," he answers, just pressing his hand against the back of my head.

"No, I can't be 'shhh'," I say, pulling away slightly in order to look up. "You need to know, because I can't go in if you don't know," I continue, losing track of my own train of thought. "I'm so fucking afraid that it all goes wrong and that I'll lose you." 

"Take a moment," he answers, pressing my head back against his chest. Listening to his heart beat, I feel my thoughts reorganize themselves. 

"We haven't had enough time yet," I whisper, just letting him run his hand through my hair and across my back.

"I know."

"Please try not to die."

"I'm not going to die, George."

I despise the moment his hands drop from my back and he steps away from me. Don't cry. I breathe in and out deeply, calming my nerves, and I look up into his eyes. He furrows his brows, before apparently deciding we're not done yet. His hands grab onto my face and he presses his lips to mine. I want time to freeze. I want this moment to stay. I want the wind to stop blowing, and the earth to stop spinning, and water to stop flowing for as long as it can. I don't want to feel that one stupid tear rolling down my cheek as he kisses me. I want flowers around us, and the sun on our faces, and no weapons on our bodies. I want to know that we'll smile when we pull apart, and that I'll get to kiss him whenever I want. 

The Hyenas {Dreamnotfound AU}Where stories live. Discover now