21. Consequences

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TW ~ This chapter contains psychological distress ~ TW

If you want the full experience, pause at the '###' in the text, and start listening to 'You Let Me Walk Alone' by Michael Schulte while reading the bit that follows. I listened to it during my final read through of the chapter and found it enhancing the emotions :')

P.S. I've started working on a second story in my drafts, so I might space out updates on this one a little more :)

George's POV

I gulp as the two men grab Clay by his arms on either side, pulling him away from my side and through the doors. I have no chance to say anything to him as I watch the doors close. I'm left only with the other man, who waits behind me patiently. When I turn back around, he studies my sunglasses.

"Sit down," he says, gesturing to a table at the side of the room. Do I sit down? I still have my knife in hand. There's nobody else in the room, I could just stab him and run silently. How much time would I have until they found out? Probably not much, if even any time at all. They must be watching somewhere still, they wouldn't leave me alone with him when I'm armed. At least, I think so. I decide to comply, and I sit down at the table. The man comes sitting opposite of me, crossing his leg over the other. He leans with his elbows on the table and studies my face for a little bit before talking.

"Were you friends with Eret?" he speaks, and I shiver slightly at him mentioning his name. I simply nod, looking back at him, expecting a conversation similar to the one with Tommy earlier. "I'm sorry for your loss."


He spots the confusion on my face as he continues talking.

"It's a horrible feeling, losing a friend through the actions of someone else, wouldn't you agree?" I nod slowly, shifting my gaze away from him to look at the paintings on the wall.

"We're not that different, you and I," he says as I see him lean back in his chair.

"We are nothing alike," I mumble, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"That's where you're wrong. If I told you right now who caused your friend's death, what would you do with that information?" I snap my head back to him. His motive in this conversation suddenly becomes clear to me. He needs my sympathy.

"See, your friend Dream killed one of my friends, too. You should understand like no other that I want him to pay for that," he speaks menacingly as he stands up again and walks to stand in front of me.

"I would never hurt anyone out of revenge," I spit back at him.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," he says as he walks away from me. The two men who apparently go by 'Quackity' and 'Punz' return to the room and the man across the table signs them to take me with them.

"I'm sorry you're about to lose each other, I wish things were different," he sighs as the two others grab me by my arms, already pulling me away from him. All I want to do in this moment is cuss at him, call him terrible names, but my throat appears locked. I just stumble along with them as they lead me out of the room, the doors closing behind us. They don't speak a word to me, they only drag me down the stairs and then another flight of stairs, to what appears to be a big cell. The whole place, from floor to ceiling, is cold, grey stone. One of them opens a heavy metal door, and as they push me inside, I see Clay, Bad and another unfamiliar face sitting on the ground. Clay has taken his mask off, which is laying beside him on the ground, and as soon as he sees me coming into the room, he jumps up and catches me from the push.

"Enjoy your last night together," the dark haired boy says, imitating kissing sounds as the other laughs along with him, before they leave the room.

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