32. Bashful Boy

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George's POV

The next morning, I wake up with my head in a haze. The house is silent, so it seems I'm the first one to have woken up from the intense night. Clay's grip around me has loosened in his sleep, giving me the opportunity to slip away without him waking up. I walk over to the chair with my clothes on it, to find they have dried almost completely overnight. My feet are soon safe back inside my socks, and take me to the kitchen, where I quickly down a glass of water to wake myself up a little.

I take my time looking around, finding a little crate with supplies which I assume come from Bad's place. You wouldn't think this house was ever abandoned if you set foot in it now. It's one of the better houses I've seen around here so far, apart from the lack of natural light, since all the windows are blocked up. It feels like a permanent evening inside, but I can't complain, it's been the same in the bunker. You have to trust your watch to figure out the time.

I hear the soft pitter-patter of a pair of feet behind me, and turn around to find Bad walking into the kitchen as well, a gentle smile on his face.

"Good morning," he whispers, also grabbing a cup to fill it with water. 

"Good morning," I repeat after him, leaning on the counter to look over all the objects in the kitchen. There aren't very many, mostly some plates and cups in an open cupboard, and salt and pepper shakers on the table.

"I heard you talk still, last night," he whispers again, meeting his gaze with mine.

"You did? I thought you were sleeping," I respond as softly as I can, filling my glass with water again, Bad shaking his head.

"You have a very big heart, George. I admire your willingness to forgive," he tells me, and I feel my cheeks dust pink at his compliment. 

"I don't want to lose another person I love to a stupid argument," I say, looking away and sipping my water. 

"Be honest, did I hear you kiss?" he asks curiously, his normal smile having made place for a small smirk.

"Oh shut up," I giggle, dipping my fingers in my water and splattering it in his face, making him giggle as well. 

"Alright, alright, I shouldn't pry. I'm just happy for you," he says, his genuinely sweet smile reappearing on his face. 

"Thanks, Bad. I think we'll talk about it later, once we've figured this whole thing out. I want us all to be safe before thinking about how we'll progress things," I tell him, and he nods at me in agreement. I hear some more sounds coming from the house now, like a set of footsteps coming down the stairs, and movement from the couch. Clay sits up, looking around in confusion before scratching his head. His hand moves to his lips, where his finger runs over his bottom lip, before he smiles to himself, unaware of me watching from a distance. It's an adorable sight. He looks up and meets my eyes, smiling even wider. I stick out my tongue, after which he laughs and gets up from the couch, meeting at my side to also lean on the counter. Bad hands him a cup of water too, which he gratefully takes.

"How long have you been up?" he asks, turning his head towards me. 

"I dunno, not too long," I tell him with a shrug, feeling his arm comfortably resting against mine. Not much longer after I answer, Fundy enters the kitchen, and after ten or so minutes, Karl joins as well. The five of us stand gathered in a circle, eyes tired and not exactly wanting to talk about what needs to happen next, but being obliged to. I decide to open the conversation that we are all dreading to have.

"We need a plan, and we need it quick," I tell them, a sigh escaping Clay's lips beside me. The lips I kissed. Oh God, the butterflies are back. Come on, George, not the time. 

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