36. Leaving

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TW ~ This chapter contains mentions of throwing up ~ TW

George's POV

My ears fill themselves with a violent ringing, and my vision is filled with static as I open my eyes again. I grab around me as I attempt to sit up, trying to find anything to hold onto, and my hands clutch fabric on both sides of me. I get a response from the people who the fabric belongs to, bringing me towards a person. I still can't see or hear, but I feel the excruciating pain in my shoulder.

"Make it stop, please make it stop," I manage to cry out, but I can barely hear myself. It sounds like I'm underwater again. A hand passes over my face, wiping away my tears, before moving to my hair. There's a muffled voice, but I can't tell whose it is or what it's saying. I cling on desperately to the person that's holding me, trying to calm myself down. 

The static starts slowly disappearing as I press the side of my head into the fabric I'm clinging onto, still crying my eyes out. It was so much better before they touched the arrow. It was peaceful, and besides being a little cold, I felt okay. It sure didn't hurt this fucking much. 

"-fine, you're okay, stay calm," I hear a muffled voice tell me, but I can only hiccup in response. My head feels cold around my throat and ears, almost feverish. I see the floor as the static subsides, and I try to keep myself from hyperventilating.

"It hurts so bad," I bring out, breath hitching in my throat. 

"I know, just keep breathing," the voice I now recognize as Clay's says. Do I dare look at my shoulder? My head moves involuntarily, and I see the arrow now sticking into me further. I start noticing the pain in my back. They pushed it through. 

"That was the hard part, you did so well," Clay nows says softer, holding my head closer to his chest. The damn amount of times he's had to tell me that in four weeks

"I think we did the right thing," I hear Wilbur say. "If it was wrong, we would have known by now." 

"We shouldn't touch it any further," Bad says.

"Please get rid of it," I manage to say between my sobs, unable to relax my body. Clay moves his arms to hold me tighter, avoiding the area with the arrow at all costs.

"We can't right now, we need a doctor for that," he tells me. I hear he's trying to keep calm for me, but I know he feels like crap as well now. 

"It hurts so fucking bad, please just take it out," I say louder now, awfully aware of the burning sensation around the enter and exit wound. Clay looks around the room.

"Everybody get the stuff you want to take with you. We're going back into the Safe Border as soon as we can," he speaks sternly. I close my eyes again, trying to muffle my own crying by pressing my face into his hoodie entirely, but it doesn't help much. I just need the pain to stop. 

"You shouldn't have touched the arrow, I slept so well before you did that," I tell them shakily, taking a handful of hoodie in my fist. I just feel anger settling in now. 

"We had to, you were already slipping away," Clay tells me, rubbing circles into my back. 

"I would have been fine, Eret was there too," I mumble, trying to suppress more sobs that want to escape from me. Clay's hand lays still on my back as he freezes. The shuffling from people around the room stops as well, and I feel their eyes on me. 

"It's time to leave," he says softly, but urgently, and everyone starts hurrying. Did I say something wrong? I pull myself away from him and try to stand up, but severals pairs of hands stop me.

"You're definitely moving as little as possible now," Wilbur mumbles, and once again a pair of arms scoops me up from the ground. 

"I just need our chips and then we're leaving," Clay says as he settles me down on the couch as carefully as he can. He starts rummaging through the room, trying to find what he's looking for. On one side of the room, I see Tubbo and Tommy sitting against the wall, talking to each other. On the other side, Fundy and Karl are discussing something while rummaging through supplies. Bad is hugging Skeppy. Nick is picking his nails nervously. 

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