31. Relief

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George's POV

I'm running back to the bunker like my life depends on it. Actually, a life does depends on it. Maybe not mine, but certainly one that I care about a lot. All my doubts I had after our fight seem to wash away from me as some rain starts falling from the sky. Luckily no thunderstorm though, that would be bad business. I wonder if they'd expect me to go on a hunt with them. That actually seems like my worst nightmare right now. I dive my way through the narrow alleyways once again, remembering the route by heart now. When I get to the trapdoor, I let out a deep sigh of relief, catching my breath before I open it. 

I climb down the ladder, but something stands out to me. It's quiet. It's so awfully quiet. I hurry down and run into the hallway, only to find the inside of the bunker empty.

No. No no no. They can't be gone. 

"Clay? Bad?" I yell, but no answer. Fuck. They aren't here. Okay George, think. Where would they go? I didn't come back to the bunker, so they must have gone out to look for me. But where would they go? The evening is nearing fast, so either they're coming back here soon or they're staying somewhere else. I need to stay here at least until the sun has completely set. What would happen if they came back and I wasn't here? If they're not back by 11 PM, I need to go out and look for them. Fuck.

I spend an agonizing few hours just pacing around the bunker, checking my watch every few minutes and freezing whenever I hear any faint sound at all. My nails couldn't be bitten any shorter by the time 11 PM hits. They're not coming back tonight, they must be somewhere else. But where? I nervously pat my legs as I bite my lip, trying to figure out where I should go. Then I remember something crucial.

Fundy and Karl.

I never got there. Wilbur found me first. I could still go there and ask them for help. If I explain it to them, I'm sure they can help me look for them. Maybe they have even seen them, and can tell me where they are. Yes, that's the best course of action right now. I grab the note from my wet jeans' pocket, finding it slightly damp, but still readable. I can still find them with it. 

I make my way out of the bunker again quickly to find the rain still pouring down. It doesn't lift my mood much, but it'll have to do. I just have to not slip on the wet pavement on my way there, a broken leg will get me absolutely nothing. Actually, it might get me death, but I'm not looking for that any time soon. I jog through the streets, not running as fast as before as I'm panting. I really should have worked out more, back in the city. Maybe that would have helped me now. My hair is sticking to my forehead annoyingly, almost getting into my eyes, and drops of water are falling down from the tip of my nose, my clothes already soaking wet. Sure, might as well get a cold, too. 

I finally get to the place where Wilbur picked me up, Eret and Fundy's old place. I pick the wet note from my pocket, quickly reading the instructions before the whole paper turns into nothing more than mush, unusable. A groan escapes my mouth, echoing slightly through the streets. The only sounds are coming from me, and the raindrops splattering on the pavement. After pushing my hair back a little, I start following the memorized instruction. Left, right, left, left again, third right..

Then I see it. A small house, only the slightest bit of light escaping from under the door. They should have really blocked that up, it could easily signify a Hyena that people are taking residence there. I run towards it, now shivering from my completely wet clothes sticking to my skin, absorbing all the heat out of my body. My hand finds the door and slams onto it, a sound guaranteed to alarm anyone who is inside of my arrival. Please, please open the door. I keep on slamming, hugging myself with my other arm, before the door starts opening carefully.

In the door opening stands Fundy, whose jaw drops as he peeks through the gap. The door swings open fully and he pulls me inside, hugging me immediately, not caring that his own clothes would get wet from it. I shiver in his arms, just letting it happen to me while I close my eyes.

The Hyenas {Dreamnotfound AU}Where stories live. Discover now