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jungkook searched at everywhere inside his room, the drawer was empty, the closet is and the wholeroom are, he tried resting for awhile but it just didn't help.

he was nervous.

"where are you.." jungkook asked as he look at chaeyoung's face, but he was talking about the letter, and because he can't see where is it.

jeongsan and taehyung was with jimin and seokjin earlier, so they are not here just as yet. "a little sign please.." and just after that a book fell out the floor.

jungkook wanted to scream because how could he be so stupid and idiotic man and a motherfucker to forget chaeyoung's diary.

"fuck fuck fuck!" he cursed and push everything aside, he immediately took it by his hands and opened it, so shocked to see so many writings.

he started to the very first and what not, it was as early as when she was a joiner from college.

where everything started.

jungkook dialed chaeyoung's mother and immediately told her to stop because he had seen it, she said she wanted to see it too but jungkook told her that he had to read first.

she agree. and so jungkook call taehyung.

"what's up?" jungkook's heart take a hundred runs and he suddenly smile.

"hey, are you free for a talk?" it was said by jungkook but he heard taehyung hummed a silence before he answered.

"im on a shooting today, maybe at dinner?" jungkook gulped down and nod his head thinking that taehyung can't see it, he said an agreement.

"okay lets go out for a dinner, how about that?" it made him bit tongue when a silence filled the call again, jungkook looked at the book.

"i think im fine to that.." jungkook almost sighs in relief and nod his head to keep it professional.
"maybe it would be much better if we eat here at the house?" he offered.

"i would loved to." jungkook smiles again, a wide one when he heard a small chuckle from the other side of the call. "where are the kids by the way?" taehyung asked and it made jungkook's heart shattered.

taehyung is really caring, nothing changed to how it was before, he was more matured but everything seems to be as gorgeous as it is before, including him, himself.

"they are good, with jimin and seokjin." a hummed comes in a way, so he speaks again, maybe he will tell taehyung only when he comes with him.

he looked at the book clutched tightly in his hands, and soughs.

"i'll sure drive you here, bye taehyung."

"you know you dont really have to-"

"you can just call it kindness." he heard him laugh and he did as well because, he just made him laugh, taehyung laugh with him again.

thats a good sign, right?

"okay i'll see you later.."


its already five in the afternoon when taehyung texted him that he was ready to meet with him outside of the gucci fall company.

jungkook was now driving to his way, he called jimin to take the kids with him so mrs park can take care of them, taehyung would love to be with her grandma.

"im on my way..im on my way..." he chanted the book was place in his right side where the passenger seat is, taking turn on left and right before finally he was infront of the company.

he looked out for taehyung and he was finally met by a sudden....angel?

oh yeah, taehyung is an angel, he smiled when the man came up to him with a smile, his sunglasses were hanging directly above his forehead a silk polo and a trousers with a pair if gucci sandals.

he took the book and place it just in the backseat.

"hey..." he mumbled just after he settled down but jungkook did not reply causing for him to looked up.

"i-is there something wrong?" that made jungkook blinked and chuckle so taehyung frowned thinking the man was crazy.

"everything's perfect, you just...you look really beautiful." taehyung raised an eyebrow his mouth shaped oh and his cheeks were blushing.

"thank you?" he can only say and jungkook laugh, and continue to drive along with a blushing mess, taehyung.

"what do we have to talk about?" jungkook did not have to look at taehyung knowing he will lose control once he does, so he just adjusted the rear view mirror for extra movements.

"i already have chaeyoung's letter." taehyung stopped breathing for a second and snapped his head to jungkook.

"what?" taehyung said, mouth wide in surprise and lips turning pale but his eyes held so much emotions jungkook can't take to read, it was happy and sad but he knows there was something else.

"yeah its in the back." and after he said that taehyung's eyes sets at the back seat and suddenly his heart race just like how jungkook does.

it is kind of old fashion but he can't describe it more further, his eyes watered at the sight, knowing chaeyoung really treasured alot.

he took it and a feeling were flowing down just like his tears, he dont know. maybe because she really affects him so much. "taehyung...?" he sobbed, he looked away from jungkook.

chaeyoung. who are you? why does my heart suddenly feels like it shattering, im eager to see what's inside but im afraid it could break me too.

im sorry.

.•. .•. .•. .•. ♡︎ .•. .•. .•. .•.

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