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jungkook opened his eyes just to be met with the most beautiful sight ever, he could always get used to it every goddamn morning.

though taehyung's mouth were slightly opened, he is still as pretty as usual. "so disheveled.." his raspy voice tells him to go have a brush of teeth but guh, no one knows when this angel could wake up so maybe get the best of it.

"so pretty, and for me." he can still clearly remember their activity last night as pure as water. taehyung must be really hurt right now.

he can vaguely reminisce that one time when they had sex for the first time, taehyung was really shy because he did not shaved but for jungkook, he is always beautiful even when he dont do the thing down there.

'omegas should be pretty, am i pretty kook?' he smiled, going on caressing taehyung's cheeks from the flashback.

"ofcourse you are pretty, you are always pretty for me, and even if i got blind i would always call you pretty, because you are one. pretty." he said, contented of how he could use some words to suit the omega.

taehyung is the most stubborn man he got used to fight on with, they got used to nagging eachother before they confessed, turns out they are not mates.

jungkook would always ask himself. 'why? why would taehyung let me go?' when clearly they are enough for eachother.

when clearly they are just for eachother, so jungkook consider himself the most luckiest.

even when chaeyoung was out of the picture, he got to meet taehyung again, and because of that, he got feel love again.

he takes this time as a second chance for the relationship that they broke years ago, even when they were old enough but not old enough.

they still long for eachother, just like last night.

he never forgets how he reminded taehyung the same sentences everyday when his insecurities kicked in.

'i love you, and i will always loved you even if i die, its always you whom i will love for the rest of my day.' taehyung would cry in his arms because he actually does not deserve jungkook.

they think the same thing. they dont deserve eachother.

but what can they do? they are no soulmates, they are not mates either but they-

"...jungkook..." the man was cut off from his thoughts when taehyung squirmed in his arms, he cackled.

"yes?" taehyung's eyebrows were furrowing as he looked around, his eyes widen as he felt how his lower burned so much, he groaned.

"i fucking hate you so much." jungkook sighs as he snuggles his face into taehyung's full of love bite neck, he smile in content.

"i will call the house, the pups must be worried." taehyung just nod but jungkook stayed still in his spots, his hugged tighten.

"i thought you will call them?" taehyung looked at jungkook's chest where it goes up and down, it was still broad but more broader than years ago.

he blushed, his body was thin and small but- oh yeah, he's an omega and jungkook is just a fucking alpha. great.

"i did not say what time." taehyung just rolled his eyes and let him sniffed his scents.

"you smells like me.." the omega cooed silently at how jungkook's bed face looked like, he missed looking at them tho.

"yeah, i can't smell own scents either." he did not care if he was blushing or not but what about it? they just had sex what's more to blushed on?

"lets have a date today, do you have work?" he shakes his head as he hide in jungkook's neck as soon as the man was about to look at his face, the alpha chuckle.

"are you really serious about dating me?" taehyung's small voice made him more smaller than his size at jungkook's side, he shyly smiled.

"ofcourse why are you asking?" he just shakes his head, but jungkook took nothing of that, he sit up and taehyung just looked down.

"i told you, im serious about this, about us. i love you and i think you feel the same way too, so please let me court you, again." taehyung looked at him intently not wanting to cry just first thing in the morning.

"what about everyone jungkook? what will they say about us? think about everyone and their thoughts..." his face were still bowed down but he clearly knows that jungkook's clenching his jaws.

"pay no attention to their words, i dont care if they fucking say a word about it, the most important thing is that we love eachoth-"

"but if i dont pay attention to them it will be worse." jungkook stared at how taehyung's eyes gets blurry with tears, his heart just shattered.

"i swear im not planning on being the luna but what if you want me to, everyone will differ." jungkook tightly cupped his cheeks.

"i'll fucking kill them for you.." and soon as it spilled from his mouth, a promise, its a promise from him because h just sealed it with the most passionate kiss.

taehyung once again, cried in jungkook's arms.

.•. .•. .•. .•. ♡︎ .•. .•. .•. .•.

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