Chapter 21*

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The doors to the elevator opened, revealing Kingpin. He stepped out and began walking. "Start the sequence."

The scientists around him nodded and got to work. "Uploading Vanessa Fisk and Richard Fisk DNA sequence."

"Beginning scan for dimensional matches."

Just seconds later, a female scientist pulled up some matches on her computer. Her fingers glided on the keyboard. Liv also began typing something out. On a digital pad, she placed her hand, watching as a green light passed under it, scanning her palm. 

The sound of the enormous machine beginning to run resounded throughout the space. A bright reddish-orange light began to emit from the middle of the collider. M/n, Peter, and the others hurried along.

"Secondary ignition in five, four..."

They all shot out a string of web, pulling themselves further forward. "Three, two, one..."

By the time they got to the edge, the collider's beams slammed together. Colorful lights began to emit from the machine. Their eyes widened at the sight before them. Meanwhile, the city of Brooklyn began to shake and glitch. Parts of buildings and objects up in the air began to fall onto the ground. Entire buildings began to glitch from the ground up.

M/n's body began to glitch as well, making him groan out of pain. Peni and Gwen tried to reach out for him, but he stopped them, putting his hand out. The glitching soon came to a stop. "I-- I'm fine."

"M/n, you don't have to stay behind," Gwen said. "I can do it."

"N-No way," M/n answered before he glitched once more. "I-- I already made up my mind."

"Are you sure?"

Once the wave of pain settled down, M/n stood upright. He was quiet for a bit. "There's no going back. I have to do this..."


He turned to face the collider. "I have to see it through to the end."

He shot a string of web and lept forward. The rest glanced at each other and nodded in determination, following right behind M/n. Once they were all on the ceiling, M/n looked around. "What's the plan, M/n?" Peter asked.

He turned to look back at them. "I'll use the override key to take control over the collider. Once you've all gone back to your dimensions... I'll blow the whole thing up."

Gwen hesitated but nodded. "Alright."

"Good luck. I hope you guys all make it back okay."

Without another word, M/n began advancing ahead. He used his fist to hit the pentagon-shaped panels that adorned the entire space trying to find where the control panel was located. In the distance, he heard movement. He looked back, seeing multiple people aiming guns their way. The others also sensed it.

"They know we're here..." Gwen muttered, panic in her tone.


Of course, they weren't gonna just let them get through. We're wasting too much time... Who knows what the hell is happening just outside of this place?

He turned back around and hit another panel. He finally found it and tore off the piece of metal that covered it. Just as he was about to stick in the override key, he sensed something. He quickly moved to the side, dodging an incoming saw that was attached to a neon green tentacle. He narrowed his gaze on the person who had an amused grin on their face.

"You're a quick one, aren't you?"


Before any of the others could even attempt to help him, the people with guns began to shoot in their direction. "You're quite fast. But... not fast enough!"

His eyes widened when another saw blade came his way. It managed to graze his side. His face scrunched in pain.

Damn...! My wound from earlier has barely healed and now this...?!

He continued to dodge the incoming saws.

I've kept up an act since I left the hospital, pretending like I was fine, but it hurts like hell...!

"My, my. I wonder how long you'll be able to keep that up."


In his moment of distraction, one of Liv's tentacles rushed forward and managed to make it to him this time. She pinned him against the ceiling, her tentacle wrapping around his neck. He struggled to get out of its strong grasp.

"You're still suffering from your injury, aren't you? You don't have nearly as much stamina as you would if you were in top condition," she said, chuckling in a sort of twisted amusement. "What an unfortunate thing."

His hands clawed at the tentacle around his neck.

I'm not dying like this! No way in hell! I have to do this!

"M/n!" came Gwen's and Peni's yells.

"How cute. You'd risk your life to save them? Here you are, about to die, yet not a single one of them has truly made an effort to stop me from killing you."

M/n felt his airway slowly getting cut off. He could see the others taking out the shooters. But, they were now faced with the villains working for Kingpin. Peni had attempted to make her way toward M/n, but her robot was knocked off of the construction beams that held up the collider. The inside of the robot she was in began to emit red warning lights as she furiously pressed dozens of buttons.

Liv inched towards M/n. "Any last words, Spider-Man?"

M/n gathered up as his strength. "Y-Yeah... G-Go to hell..."

In that second, M/n kicked her, knocking her back. Once the tentacle loosened, he grabbed it, unwrapping it from around his neck. He squeezed the end of it tightly until the saw blade broke off. The blade fell down below them. His body began to fall as well, as he had nothing holding him to the ceiling at the moment.

All he had was Liv's tentacle. He thought to use it, swinging forward. That move pulled the rest of her tentacles, which had been keeping her attached to the ceiling, off. She gasped in surprise. M/n shot a web at the ceiling close to the control panel to pull himself back up there. He let go of her tentacle and swung back towards the ceiling. Liv grew annoyed and did the same with her tentacles.

Once they were both back on the ceiling, she narrowed her eyes on him. M/n returned it, glaring hard at her under the mask. "Did you really think it'd be that easy?"

"Shut the hell up," M/n responded, one of his hands rubbing his neck.

A smirk tugged at Liv's lips. "Poor thing, you must be exhausted. You can only do so much with all that pain you're feeling."

"If you have time to talk, come fight me!"

"Very well then. You must really want to die!"

M/n swung forward, ignoring the piercing pain in his side. Liv was growing annoyed. "If you're just going to dodge instead of fighting me, then I'll end you right here and now!"

Liv gasped when she realized the close proximity. "If you're just going to talk, then get the hell out of my way!" he shouted, punching her square in the face.

The force was enough to make her back up a little, but she looked back at M/n with fury in her eyes. Just as she was about to attack him, she was pushed to the side with such tremendous force. M/n was stunned by it as well, his eyes wide. Liv shook her head, a scowl on her face as she looked around for the culprit. However, there was no one else near them. It happened again, the force of whatever hit her sending her in the opposite direction.

"Who did that?!"

Suddenly, two webs shot forward on either side of Liv. Out of literally nowhere, a flash of black and red appeared. M/n's eyes widened even more.


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