-:(A liar?):-

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>Nagito's point of view<

I woke up rather early today...I yawn as I sit up, followed with a long stretch. "...5:46?...Tch-"  I glance at the clock, walking out of the cabin as a beam of sunlight shone onto my face. I let out a grunt, it was really bright given how early it was...odd. I make my way to Jabberwock park. Ouma-kun said he'd meet me there. Wonder why...

>Kokichi's point of view<

I tapped my foot impatiently...
"Where is he...?" I mumbled to myself looking tword the sky.
"How long does it take to walk from his cabin to the park?.. Is he even coming?" I sighed...30 minutes passed...I'm done waiting. I get up walking to my dorm. On the way I have a small chat with Hinata-chan whom I met on the way. I scare him and I know it. Ni-shi-shi~

>Nagito's point of view<
I arrive at the park, out of breath...I glance around. "I'm late...How typical for someone like me to keep someone like him waiting...Damn it."
I can't see him anywhere. Is it possible he left...? Or, maybe lied about the meeting altogether? I sighed. I clinch my teeth in anger..."Is he mad at me for arriving late?" I pondered to myself in a worried manor.
I sigh once more, looking down.

"HEY!! KOMAEDA-KUN!" A loud voice rang from across the park. "Ghe!?" I jump slightly...It's Mioda-san.
"Whatcha doin' over here alone? Isn't it boring?" She ran over facing me, giving me little time to respond.
"Hello, Mioda-san. I was supposed to meet up with Ouma-kun...But I guess I missed him. Besides that...what are *you* doing here alone?" I straighten my posture. I can't seem rude in front of an ultimate! "Dawhh- I'm meeting up with Tsumiki-chan at the cafè! I saw you all lonely and such, so I thought I'd check on you!" And without any time to respond, she stated with a smile, "Well, good luck with Ouma-kun!" before she darted tword the cafè. Of course an ultimate wouldn't be late to a meeting...Unlike me.
________[Ending Chapter one]_________

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