-:It begins:-

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>Third person point of view<

An odd laugh rang through the islands from the many different monitors that were placed. Nagito and Kokichi stood there confused. "What the actual hell? Sounds like a boot-leg cartoon character." Kokichi glared, obviously irritated that his moment was ruined. Nagito slightly tilted his head to the right followed by a confused, "Eh?"

"Now, now. You may be confused, That will *all* be cleared up! Everyone meet in the courtyard of the Academy for Gifted Juveniles!


The screen flashed white before turning off completely.
"What...was that?" Kokichi slightly muttered. "I don't know. We best do as it says though." Nagito responds before extending his hand to Kokichi.
"Yeah...Guess so." He grabbed his hand making their way to the academy. On the way they ran into Shuichi and Hajime. They were also on the way to the courtyard, so they all went together.
By the time they arrived at the courtyard the only people who were missing was Tenko, Tsumugi and Miu.
"What's going on?" Angie questioned.
"Why are we here...?" Peko added.
"Don't fuckin' know, don't fuckin' care. Just get this over with." Fuyuhiko growled slightly as Miu and Tsumugi walked in, followed shortly by Tenko.
"You kids take forever to get from one place to another!"
A small black and white bear-looking-thing jumped from on top of the entrance to the academy, doing a small flip. "Upupupuh!~ But now that you're all here...!"
"The hell is that thing!?" Fuyuhiko yelled as the rest look confused.
The bear-thing sighed.
"Kids are so rude... I'll get to that if you let me finish!" It growled.
The students watched in confusion.
"I am Monokuma. I run this place as the school headmaster!" It raised it's arms with a shout.
"Sooo- get ready 'cause you're all in for a wild ride! Upupupuh~"
The student mumble to eachother.
"You may be wondering how to get off this island...If not, I suggest you do so. And, to answer your questions that *all* of you are thinking...Murder! Of any kind! Strangulation, Drowing, stabbing, slicing and dicing! Anything beyond your wildest dreams!" The students glared. Some chuckling thinking it was a joke, others talking among themselves. "Just don't get caught! If you do, you lose your one-way ticket outta here!"
"This is a load of bullshit!" Miu scoffed.
"I agree." Fuyuhiko added.
"Kill?" Saihara muttered glancing to Hajime, Nagito and Kokichi.
"Tch. Bet it's just some half-assed joke that Iruma-chan is trying to play." Kokichi rolled his eyes, leaning slightly on Nagito.
"Why me!?" She glared tword him.
"Duhh! You're the only one who can build that thing!" Kokichi glared back with a mischievous grin.
"Souda-kun could!" Miu lifted her hand by her head with a whimper.
"I don't even have the parts!" Kazuichi added.
"It doesn't matter! This isn't a joke, you're only way out is to kill someone and not get caught!"
The students stopped bickering and looked up. "You mean- we really gotta do this shit?" Fuyuhiko scoffed.
"Finally you get it! Take these monopads! I have places to go! People to see! So hurry!" The bear pointed to a table stacked with small, black tablets with labeled with names. He disappeared without another word. Some of the students gasp, others look confused, and some irritated.
__________[End of chapter 3.]__________

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