-[Chapter two: Despair awakening]

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>Third person point of view<

Nagito watched the waves roll past as his mind began to wonder.

"He makes me feel... Special. Like I'm more than what I lead myself to believe..." he let out a tsk before getting up from where he sat. "I should eat..." he mumbled, walking over to the cafè.
>Kokichi's point of view<
"Boringggg..." I spat watching Tenko and Teruteru argue. "Don't talk to Himiko that way you degenerate male! Don't try to ruin her innocence!!" Tenko raised her arms in a defensive manor. "H-Hey now! I just wanted to have s-some fun- Don't get all hostile!" Teruteru squeaked as Tenko glared. Normally this would be interesting...But I can't keep my mind off Him. I sigh, walking out of the cafè entrance.



I hit something! I rub my head with a groan. I glance up only to see him.

"Komaeda-chan...What are you doing here?" I mutter looking up at him. Is his face...red?
"H-hey, Ouma-kun...I came here to get something to eat..." He spoke with a disappointed studder. "Well duh!" I tsked. "What happened earlier?" He glanced to the floor. "Did you forget about our meeting? Or was it all a lie?" He wasn't making eye contact- That's...Unlike him? "Like hell I'd forget about it! Where were you!? You left me hanging- not the other way around!" I spat in a harsh tone. I had to lie about the fact that...it actually hurt.
>Nagito's point of view<

I look at him confused...I can feel my face grow red. Now's not the time for that- "But....I was looking for you at the park. Was I *that* late?" I mutter in disappointment. "I guess so. I left because...because I got bored! You shouldn't keep the ultimate supreme leader waiting!" He let out somewhat of a growl? "I'm so sorry... forgive me if possible... please." I whine some... I hope he doesn't hate me. "I guesssss, I'll let it slide. This time. Ni-shi-shi!~" He's so...confident. My face grows slightly more red. "Thank you, Ouma-kun! I wont let it happen again!" I instinctually hug him without thinking. "G-Ghe!?..." He seemed to...relax? I'm not complaining. He's so warm. So, small. He wraps his arms around me with a small "Hmph-" it was so cute...I set my forehead to his shoulder. It wasn't smart to do so, but I wanted to enjoy this moment while it lasted. He pushed me away, pulling up his finger pointing to me with an offended expression. "Don't mention it. Now, come on!" He grabs my hand before I could mutter a word pulling me to the shore with the biggest grin on his face. I smile running behind him.

He brought me onto the bridge that connected the academy and Jabberwock. I glance around at the water and the bridge then eventually looking into his eyes. He grabbed my hands, as soon as he did so my face turned a bright red. I-is he doing what I think he's doing? He looked me straight in the eye with a determined look on his face. "Komaeda..." he said with an out of character soft voice."H-Huh?" I mutter. I can't deny, I've always wanted this moment...


"Ghe!?" I squeak out of pure shock...Damn it, I was actually enjoying this.

"What's that noise...?" Ouma muttered, seemingly unphased. A monitor that was tied to a support pole on the bridge shone a bright, blank white screen with a dark figure staring into the monitor. "Upupupuh~"

________[Ending chapter two]________

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