Chapter 22

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Frank's P.O.V

​Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

​One hour later.

​I stared out the window. Where is he? I miss him so much. Hopefully we can talk. Sort thing's out. Maybe start again. I hope so. I freeze up as I see a red car stop near the back of the bus. Gerard shakes the drivers hand and climbs out. Fan's rush toward him straight away. 

​"Gerards being harassed by fans." I tell Brian, not taking my eyes off Gerard. He looks tired. But he's still fucking hot.

​Gerard's P.O.V

​As soon as I get out the car, fan's rush towards me. Some are wearing shirt's with a pink monkey on and a guy in a blue suit that looks familiar. 

​"Gerard?" One fan said. "Is Lola going to join you on tour?"

​I frown. Who the fuck is Lola? "Who?" I ask.

​Everyone goes quiet and stare at me in shock. I run a hand through my hair.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ 

​"Gerard was kidnapped as you all know." A older looking Brian edged past the fan's to grab my arm. "He has unfortunately lost some of his memory. As has Mikey. They don't recall anything past 2012. Please bear with them as we work through this. A official statement will be released shortly."

​"I'm sorry, Gerard." A red headed fan muttered,  tears in her eye's. "Get well soon. We all support you. We'll back off until your better."

​She looks so sad that I pull her into a hug. "Thank you." I said as I pulled away. "I really appreciate it." I look at Brian. "I could at least sign some autographs and get pics can't I?"

​He sighs but back's up.

​The girl smiles and I get busy signing and posing for pictures. It's another half an hour before I get on the bus. I spot a older looking Mikey. I frown at him and he frowns at me.

​"You look...good." I eventually tell him.

​He laughs. "So do you." He pulls me into a hug.

​"Good to have you back, G-man." Bob? says. I look at him.

​"You look older." I state. 

​Bob laughs. "No shit, Sherlock."

​I turn to Ray. "Your fro's got bigger."

​He laughs. "Cheers."

​"Hey, Gerard." I turn to see Frank. He still looks sexy as fuck.

​"Hey." I try to act normal. "I guess five years didn't help your height. Your still pint sized."

​Frank laughed. "Love you too."

​I laugh. God I wish he did love me too. I've always loved him. I froze as I heard a song come on the TV. It was my voice. I walked past Frank to the lounge area. I sat on the couch. The guy on the screen was the guy from the fan's t-shirt.

​"...Cos we don't need no shows."

​That's definitely my voice. So that's me? Then the pink monkey from the t-shirt flashed across the screen, briefly. I frown. This is fucking freaky. It's like looking into the future. But it's not the future. Apparently it's the present. I've lost five years of my life. What happened during those five years? When did I go solo? And if I'm a solo artist now, why was I on tour with mcr? What colour is my hair now? I can't see it without a mirror,  obviously. When did Bob come back? When did Brian come back? Where's Lyn-z? What about Bandit? She'd be like eight or nine now. I've missed so much.

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