Chapter 15

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Kaminari smiled as he put the car in park.

The cloudy day that was yesterday was now a bright sunny day. And he had a good feeling about it. And nothing would change that.

"I can't do it."


"Izuku, you need to go back in there. They're your kids and just because you're scared they'll hate you, doesn't mean they will. I know they won't." The blond said as he went to grip his friend's hand.

He had been feeling giddy all day.

He woke up in the same bed with the person he's been crushing on for almost 20 years. Izuku had actually gotten rid of his bottled up feelings over ice cream and sad movies.

He knew that today would be a good day.



"What if-"

"Izuku. Just go talk to them. Haruhi will understand, they all will. After today I have a feeling that yesterday will just feel like a bad dream."

Denki truly believed that they wouldn't hate him. They'd yell and cry for a while, sure. But knowing them it would be gone to the wind the moment they start lunch.

"Now let's face this head on." The blonde's smile got larger, his grip tighter.

After a long silence, Izuku nodded and opened his door and stepped out of the car.

He brought his arms to his chest in a hug like position. Denki stepped out after him and set an arm around his shoulder.

Together they walked up the stairs until they stood in front of his door. Which seemed a lot taller than usual.

Despite the towering door, Izuku took out his keys and put them into the lock.

With a soft click, the door opened.

There were three pairs of shoes still left on the mat.

And he knew which pair belonged to someone.

He walked farther in the house. Now he was in the kitchen. The sight of a never eaten cake was surprising.

He had two six year olds. And neither of them got up to steal some?

With a sigh, he continued walking. Denki could feel the anxiety from his friend. How could he not?

Izuku was trembling, holding himself to calm down. His eyes held fear and he knew that that was going to hurt him somehow. The sick looking man wasn't okay.

They rounded the next corner. And there it was. Haruhi was leaning against the wall asleep, like he was waiting. He clutched the custom laptop in hand and with his other, he held Natsuo's.

Natsuo was sitting next to him allowing his head to fall on Haruhi's shoulder. And next to him, we're the twins. Who made their own beds and were fast asleep on it.

His parents, were laying down on the couch asleep as well.

Izuku didn't want to do anything. But the more he looked at his eldest. He knew.

Haruhi's face was contoured with pain and fear. What was the dream he was having. No, what was the nightmare.

Izuku sighed and knelt down in front of him. Slowly peeling his hand away from the laptop and holding it in his own.

Denki sat on a dining room chair. And there would be sit until Izuku woke Haruhi.

And hour had passed. And here they were. Silently waiting. Izuku had curled his knees into his chest. As he let his thumb glide over his son's knuckles.

The sweet chirps of the birds from outside lead a peaceful symphony. The occasional car passing but as well.

More waiting.

The sudden jolt in Haruhi woke Natsuo. Who sluggishly shook him awake. "Haru-kun, wake up. It's just another nightmare." He sighed as he opened his eyes

He was met with the sight of Izuku who's eyes were filled with worry as they flicked back and forth from him and his son.

"H-Haruhi.. Haruhi-kun wake up." The shaking kbecame more violent in hope to wake him up.

Slowly, the blonde began to stir. Swatting at the hand of his pink haired friend. "Natsu, stop that.." His eyes started to open next.

And then came the feeling in his arms. And the touch on his hand.

Quickly, crimson eyes stared a head of him. And he looked at Izuku like he was a ghost.

Natsuo smiled at Haruhi. And Denki gave on to Izuku. They knew. They knew in a way no one else would.

"Momma?" He asked quitely as he slowly stood up and leaned forward.

Izuku nodded, "Hey buddy." Haruhi cautiously reached forward to hold his mother's face.

No other words were spoken, Izuku was confused.

Natsuo understood and nodded, "He had at least four nightmares last night. Haru-Kun was really worried."

Izuku looked at his son again, and then couldn't stop the tears from his eyes.

Tackling his eldest into a tight hug he sobbed. And the blonde wasn't far behind on the trail of tears.

"Why did you leave?" He sobbed as he gripped his mother in a hug once more.

Izuku took the time to regain his composure. As he gently stroked his hand through his son's hair. "I wasn't okay. I know it doesn't seem like a good excuse but,"

He paused and pulled away, starting to fiddle with his shirt. Denki sighed and went to sit down next to him. Rubbing soft circles into his back.

"I've been really stressed recently." He continued, working up the courage to look him in the eyes. "I wanted to make your birthday perfect but, when it comes down to it, it's really hard to spoil your kids when you barely know them."

The room was silent. Even Denki was shocked. Was this how he always felt?

"Why didn't you tell me mom? I was right here, but I guess you are kinda right. You always push everyone away when your stressed." Haruhi went to grab the freckled hand of his mother. Who quickly pulled away.

"You're doing it now."

Izuku sighed, his eyes looking down once more. "I.." He paused. And didn't start again.

"Mom. It's hard to help you when you never talk to us."

Izuku nodded. "I know that. But, I'm not supposed to rely on you. You're my son, you shouldn't have to hope that I'll talk about my feelings so I won't ignore you. I'm supposed to be like that for you. You shouldn-"

A loud slap echoed through the house.

Izuku slowly moved a hand to his cheek. His eyes had grown wide. But quickly they shrunk and looked down into submission.

Haruhi's eyes were full of fire. His hand stung. And his face was flooded with tears.

"The fact I had to slap you to get it through your thick skull that I care about you is just sad." He spit as he raised to his feet.

"The day dad left I promised I'd never raise a single hand to anyone. Because of what he did when he was still here. But sometimes I wonder if he did you good or not."

Izuku slowly nodded and stood. He staggered away and up the stairs.

Was this really who he raised? Was this his fault?

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