The Mystery

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SPLASH! Gumball coughs tied to a chair and wet from a bucket of water. He quickly falls asleep again, but is startled when the bucket itself is tossed into his forehead with a loud "POONG"!

Gumball: OW! (Looks around) ...Huh?

Surrounding him is a group of 3 Nicoles staring the young man down. Two more are standing idle at the door of the dimly lit room. Those circling Gumball wear only their jumpsuits while the other two wear an oppressive light grey armor, sleek and slim in perfect fit. Each of them have a number labeled where their breasts are. 41 in particular has on a pair of green goggles above her eyes to make herself stand out more. While 08 is the tallest one of the group, and more muscular.

Gumball: Ok. This just got 100% weirder. What's going on? And why do you all look like my Mom in an old art style?

Nicole Guard: I told you he'd comment on that.

Nicole 41: Well how was I supposed to know? We haven't got out much, if ever.

Nicole 08, in a southern accent: Sure got some talk in him too. You got a good lookin' kiddo. Y'know that, 41?

Gumball kicking around: Hey, I'm not a kid. I'm 22 for crying out loud!

Nicole 39 in a calming tone: Don't squirm, Son. You might fall over.

Gumball: Son...? The heck are you? Clones?

Nicole 41: ...I mean...duh, we're clones. Isn't it obvious?

The old wooden door in front of Gumball opens as the guards step to the side, letting the commander walk in. Like the rest, she too is a duplicate. However, she wears more distinct attire. A long light grey cape from her dark shoulder guard and poldrun with a red and yellow circle symbol, similar to the Rainbow Factory button Nicole usually wears. What's underneath it is concealed within the fine fabrics.

Gumball: Heh. (Grins) What do you want? Want me to join the dark side?

Commander Nicole, in a British accent: You're not who we're looking for, but you'll certainly do just fine, little one.

Gumball: (Squints) Still not getting any answers and instead more questions. Like the fact that you're British.

Commander Nicole: We're all sisters and you're the son of one of our own. The rest will be revealed to you in time. We are the ultimate beings of Spectra Corp to become the dominant species of the planet. That, and you're also the first male we've seen among us, so, this is fairly new to us.

Gumball: Dominant species? This some sort of Syndicate thing?

Nicole 41: Who?

Nicole 08: I think little man's talkin' about those ol' guys with robots back in that ol' war that went down. They ain't here.

Nicole Guard: Yeah, just us.

Nicole 39: I wouldn't talk about that near him. He fought in the war at the time, so he could be traumatized. (Kneels to Gumball) After all, you fought when you were still little.

Gumball: (Shakes head) Nah, if anything, I'm feeling really REALLY confused right about now.

Commander Nicole calmly gesturing one hand: Easy everyone. I can assure you, we're taking the best course of action for the good of society and this young man.

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