The Clone

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Still afternoon, in the confines of a now exposed facility thought to be long gone, tall enough to be seen at mountain height, the Gumball, alone in a dark corridor larger than life, can do nothing but continue forward to nowhere. The more he walks, let alone runs, what little lights the hallway had dim down until he's completely consumed by blackness. As an alternative, he lights a ball of blue ki in his hands, still going along the path he entered in. Eventually, for what felt like an eternity, Gumball notices a small light at the long tunnel. Running deeper into the chasm takes him to a wide altar of sorts, dark in color, barely haven't much architecture aside from incredibly tall pillars scattered in the room and hazey walls displaying a plethora of character designs and footage. From the villainous Cyber Catra engaging with Hedgehog, to the Toon Goddess bombarding the Forgotten Society, even Orangusnake announcing his takeover to Toon City. Gumball stops to take a closer look, finding their descriptions on the monitors next to the footage to be most informal, vaguely describing their attributes other than outward appearance and brief history.

Deep, Strained Voice: Magnificent, aren't they?

Startled, Gumball looks to his left where the rest of the altar ends, shrouded by fog and cables stretching through the floors and columns to the darkness. To him, the voice calling him sounded almost like his mother's but deeper; more gravely than 13's and more menacing than the commander's. He quietly walks toward the mists, occasionally shifting to other directions when 3 odd, dark, lengthy feline figures start to emerge.

Deep, Strained Voice: For years, I had observed the universe through the lens of your mother. Studying... Waiting for the day you would arrive.

The fog starts to breeze around Gumball, revealing the front of the room where the cables end, connected to a large, angular chair next to life support. The slim, more distinct clones, purple and dark, circle around the neko at a distance near the walls, drawing red hot blades in an abnormal shape. They direct their attention to their master, sat at the strange seat in a dark robe barely exposing whatever's left of her torso turned into infinite space. She meets Gumball's height, glaring at him with her red eyes; careful not to totally scare him from her wrinkles and dark color scheme.

Supreme Nicole: Welcome, my byproduct.

Gumball: ...Well...this isn't creepy at all.

Supreme Nicole: It seems you are already aware of my secondary plan to eliminate these genetic deformities you so graciously admire. Of course, with the data of your father available to us, it's expected of them to be rather...feral. A small price to pay for the betterment of society.

Gumball: Yeah, it's (Rolls eyes) reeeeeeeally turning out well for your buddies. They love 'em to death!

Supreme Nicole: It is of no concern if they are destroyed here. Only that the end goal is met. Yet so far...I see that they are incapable of achieving it. Not without a proper reminder.

Gumball: You're gonna get rid of your own sisters for this?!

Supreme Nicole: If they cannot prove their worth. If they let my new clones overtake them as the flames did to Osseo, then they shall be replaced. And the mission shall be complete.

Gumball: ...Shoot...She's making it hard for me to come up with any quips...! I won't let you do this!

Supreme Nicole: I know you won't. It's in your nature. You've proven it with your mother while she took the form of a true God. It takes more to change your mind than mere physical blows and hostages. (Leans forward) Elmore may be free for now...but not for long once the gates of Hell open to take them whole.

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