The Assault

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Special thanks to MiniKoontzy for help improving dialogue

The next morning at Netherworld in a walkway with bamboo on either side, Gumball and Darwin set along the vibrant path with the sun barely shining through the tall trees. Gumball has Darwin strapped to his back for him to keep resting, walking close to the damp rails and sticks.

Darwin: (Stretches fins) Aaaaah... That's better.

Gumball: Feeling good bro?

Darwin: Yep. Diving and getting moisture is enough for me.

Gumball: (Stops and leans against rail) Hm... (Rests head)

Darwin: You ok?

Gumball: (Crosses legs) Yeah, just thinking about the experience. I couldn't sleep. This adventure's been (Lifts head and rolls eyes) sooooooooooo much like the ol' days.

Darwin: How so?

Gumball: Oh, y'know. Moms coming after us, Elmore coming after us, some huge personal history, a new place we've never been to...

Darwin: Oh.

Gumball: Plus you're with me.

Darwin: (Blushes) Aaaaw. (Puts hands together) I'm glad to be here too man. I honestly thought you'd never let me.

Gumball: Really I wanted to at first, but I was just too terrified of something from (Points to the sky) out there coming (Points to the ground) here. Last time that happened, some crazy guy took Amity Park and threw it at Elmore. And I got to see Mom slaughter a bunch of cartoons.

Darwin cringing: ...Aaaaaaand she's still called a good

Gumball: I guess, what I really should've worried about was something back home. Sure, it's no Toon War. But it's scary enough to think that I got 49 other Moms who think that killing people is for my own good.

Darwin dead eyed: It is for your own good...

Gumball: Huh?

Darwin: (Shakes head) Sorry. Memories. Guess it's a good thing you got us, right?

Gumball: Yeah. Totally. Heck, Walton and 39 weren't like what I thought either. Hey, think they look cute together?

FLASH! Behind the two brothers, a blue projection of some kind spawns out of nowhere, forming an unidentifiable shape. The rest of the environment glitches out from the effect, startling both young men. They brace themselves for the unknown as the projection forms the shape of a humanoid with a bulky right arm. Her long dark hair forms next, then her cat ears, tiara, and distorted two-face. She towers over Gumball and Darwin like a statue, staring down at them without posing a clear threat.

Darwin: WOAH...! That can't be the Supreme leader, can it?

Gumball: O-oh! Wait, I know this one. Aren't you that supervillain who crossed over that one time? What was it? Three years ago? You fought, (Snaps fingers) what's his name...uuuuh...(Points) Mao Mao!

Supreme Nicole (Cyber Catra): My physical form is on life support from deterioration. I chose this design to project myself based on current history.

Gumball: Honestly, that's not helping much either. Half your face is disfigured and you got a giant righty. (Balls fists) But what're you doing sending out clones of my Mom?

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