The Town

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The Watterson

Episode 4 - The Town

Birds chirp outside at dawn where the sun is beginning to shine. Gumball awakens against the floor of the van when the light aims at his face. For a moment, he sees 39 and confuses her for his actual mother, only to quickly bounce back to reality the second he sees her number. Penny also wakes up, this time from the sound of her own snoring.

Carrie: Your snoring was so loud that time, it woke the dead.

Darwin: Your joke was so savage, it made fish hold their breath.

Walton outside: Morning y'all!

Walton has the van's back doors open and noticeably already got enough rest that he's up and about. One could even see his little tail wagging behind him.

Walton leaning against the floor: This is as far as the road will take us. (Eases back) Also, that was the last of my gas money. And this is a company owned truck, so... Don't tell anyone.

Gumball: Where exactly are we anyway?

Walton: We're outside my home town. About 3 hours from Elmore if you know where you're going. I stopped just at the outskirts and checked for anyone following us. No one's coming.

Gumball: Phew... That's a relief. Still got this really bad feeling in my chest though.

Penny: Sinuses?

Gumball: No, something else. It's a...feeling. I might just be thinking about Elmore too much.

Nicole 39 waking up: Mmmph... (Twitches ears and rubs eyes) Urgh...

Gumball: Mom! I mean, 39! You ok?

Nicole 39: Fine...still 100%. Wha... You brought me with you to another place?

Gumball: Well, yeah. I mean, we can't have you snitch on us or anything.

Nicole 39 palming her face: Oh no... My sisters are probably worried sick about me...! (Uncovers face looking peeved) I don't know how to convince you all, but I really wasn't trying to hurt you. I just wanted to bring you to a place where you won't have to suffer. Back to my master.

Darwin: That's it? I thought you were still gonna take out Elmore.

Nicole 39: Personally, I don't like the idea anymore than you. But Commander and the rest believe it is the right thing to do for our son.

Gumball: ...Well...I get you don't wanna hurt me and want the best for me. But, I already have a life. I have a Mom, a family, and a home to protect. It wouldn't be the right thing for me to sit there and let everyone get axed. Still, we could use your help to stop the invasion before anyone else gets killed. (Gets closer to 39)Now we need to know, who is your master and who cloned you guys?

Nicole 39 stunned: (Wags tail) So polite... (Clears throat) Ok. The truth is, I don't know about anything but my master and my training. It's how everyone of us were taught. Supreme Nicole is the oldest one above all of us, including Commander herself. I'm one of the younger ones and we were taught from the start that the outside world is cruel, morbid, unimaginative. Whenever we had the chance to step out, it was only around the boundaries of our base.

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