The Finale

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The entire chamber has gone completely dark. There is nothing but absolute silence and Gumball barely recovering from a massive headache. He gets up slowly on his knees, already trying to process his surroundings.

Gumball: You ok, Darwin? (Looks around) Bud...? You there?

When Gumball takes a step forward, a water effect ripples from his foot across the endless black void. He looks down at it, finding the otherwise wet surface to be incredibly reflective from seeing his own face. The more he bends over to see, it's as though the rest of the environment is completely tilted over to allow him to stand upright, still facing his mirror self. The longer he looks at himself, his reflection starts to smile very wildly until it quickly becomes apparent it isn't glass.

Other Gumball: Well well well. Looks like you've finally made it. Took you long enough for the last 240 episodes and 10 in-universe years to get here.

Gumball: Who're you supposed to be?

Other Gumball: I'm you.

Gumball: No, I'm me. You're clearly a copy with an evil face. Zach, right?

Other Gumball: Of course not. That guy was who you thought you were supposed to be based on whatever crap you got yourself into back then. I'm the real version of you. The side that knows what's best for the planet, best for us.

Gumball: Oh. So you're the part of me the OG Mom was talking about. Well, at least I know this isn't entirely me.

Other Gumball: Oh, but it is. (Fades and Circles Gumball) You're constantly trying to prove yourself to people. Show that you don't need their help. If you do, you just play along. But we both know you're hiding something. Something no one but Mom could see.

Gumball: If this is another power fantasy thing, Anais already did it.

Other Gumball: Stop qiuping. You know exactly what I mean. I'm saying power as in the will to use it. We're perfect creatures. (Grows slightly taller) But everywhere we go, we're surrounded by a bunch of characters that belong in a junior cartoon! Heheh, and they act like we're the odd ones...!

Gumball: That's not what I think. That sounds an awful lot like Walton's Dad.

Other Gumball: It's not about his thoughts anymore. This is about me finally getting out there to take the shots because our Moms are too weak to do it themselves! All these years of putting up with everyone has already got on my last nerve! (Gets a lot taller) And now that I know there's more out there that need fixing, and by fixing I mean cleansing, I'm gonna make sure everyone knows there's a NEW sheriff in town!

The duplicate Gumball swells to an immense height, able to slam his fists into the pitch dark floors! His normal self flips backward to shoot large ki blasts rapidly to the clone's face, but they pass through like liquid.

Gumball: Uh-oh...

The environment starts to ripple entirely, zooming into the titan Gumball until the void around them is totally white. The opposite neko, still pitch black with an evil red smile, stretches his hand out to catch his lesser self, grabbing him.

Gumball struggling: Grugh...! Urgh!

Gumball frees himself with an explosive burst of energy from both hands, having his soles charged with a blue aura to shoot at the monster. Likewise, the monster fires a red beam out his mouth, clashing the two lasers and shattering the area around them! The oily dark form of the other Gumball vanishes with the illusion; the two Wattersons landing on the lifeless street of their neighborhood amidst an eerie gray sky.

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