His Love (Jonathan Toews Fanfic)

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Bre's POV

I am currently sitting in some sleep shorts and Jonny's shirt, waiting for him to come home. He went to Canada for a week due to some family issues. Which was extremely weird because usually I would go with him, since we've been together for the past 5, almost 6 years but it's okay. Actually he should be home anytime now. My phone suddenly rings with a number I don't recognize, so I decline the call. The number calls again, so I decide answer.

"Hello. Who i-" I am cut off by a frantic voice.

"Is this BreAnna Leigh." The lady asks. Ok, so now I'm a bit worried.

"Um, yes. Who am I speaking with?" I ask the lady.

"Yes sorry, this is the Chicago Central Hospital. You were the first person in one of our patients contacts. Do you know a man named Jonathan Bryan Toews?" The lady asks. What the heck is going on. I am so freaked out right now.

"Yes, Jonathan is my boyfriend. Why? What the heck is wrong with him. Is he okay." I frantically ask her. The lady lets out a sigh and mumbles something I can't piece together.

"Ma'am, I'm so sorry to inform you about this. But I work in the Chicago Central Morgue and it seems to appear that Jonathan's truck was hit at an intersection. The man who was driving was drunk, and had 3 kids in the car also his wife. We need you to come down to the Morgue and identify Jonathan." The lady sadly says. I say a quick I'll be right there, and hurriedly throw my hair up, not caring what I look like and hop in my jeep and go to the Hospital.

When I got to the Morgue they told me that they had called Bryan and Andrée, they should be here soon, thank God.

They told me there was only 4 people I would have to look at. Like that's any better. As we are getting to the door I feel my heart burst into a million pieces. I start to have a panic attack. What if I see the man I love, the man I'm supposed to marry, the man Im supposed to have children with lying there, cold and lifeless.

I burst out into tears.

"I can't do this." I tell the lady.

She silently nods and takes me to a waiting room. I sit alone for a couple of hours thinking of Jonathan, when Patrick, Corey, Marian, Duncan and Sidney come running in. I run out of my chair and attack Marian with a huge hug, me and Mars have always been really close, he's like my 2nd dad. He tells me it will be alright and then big mouth Sidney has to tell me that he's in a better place, that's when I completely lost it.

No I don't cry, I lash out on everybody. I picked up a chair that was by me and threw it at a nurse, and kept yelling at people saying it was there fault that Jonathan's dead. This goes on until I lash out on the vending machine when Patty and Crow pulled me away and dragged me to the floor where I cry and cry.

"Bre, please stop crying. It will all be okay, I promise." Pat tells me while playing with my hair.

"That's easy for you to say, you weren't planning on having a future with him." I snap at him. I see a flash of sadness in his eyes. Crap, why am I so rude all the time.

"Sorry Pat, I really didn't mean that. I'm just scared that I might actually lose the best thing that's ever skated into my life. I'm sorry." I tell him sweetly, while wiping the tears off my cheeks, giggling a bit because he literally skated into my life.

"It's okay Anna. I understand what you mean. I don't love Jonny like you do. He's my bestfriend, and I do love him. But even if things don't work out which I know they will, we will all be here for you no matter what. You just can't shut us out. Alright" He promises. I tell him I won't.

Hours have passed and my phone rings. It's Bryan, Jonathan's dad.

" Bryan. I'm so sorry. I don't know what to do." I try to keep in a sob.

"Bre, please don't beat yourself up about this. I know it's hard to loose the ones you love the most but, you can get through it. You know me and Andrée will always be here for you." Bryan tells me. The Toews are all so caring.

"Thank you Bryan. Where are you guys?" I ask him. If they flew out they should've already be here, like hours upon hours ago.

"We are driving. We are kinda close. But I'm driving so I've got to go. See you soon sweetie. I love you." He says. I say love you back and hang up. Duncan, Corey, and Sid have all gone home so it's just me, Mars and Pat. Mars brought some of my clothes from Jonny and I's house, along with my favorite blanket. I cuddle up next to Mars and he cradles me while humming soft tunes. I soon fall asleep, dreaming about Jonathan.

I'm soon awakened by Andrée's sweet voice telling me to come to breakfast with her. I pull away from Mars and go down with her.

"Sweetie, you know I love you. Right." Andrée asks. Where is this going?

"Yes, Andy. I know. I love you too." I say tiredly. Before she speaks she's cut off by me yawning. She chuckles a bit. We get our food and go sit down in the back corner.

"Well, today we have to see if Jonathan is really... You know... G-gone." She croaks out. Taking a sip of her coffee she sends me a sorry look. Oh okay now I get it... Great.

"Do you want me to see if he's in there?" I asked her, shocked. She nods. What? I might have to see my boyfriend... Dead. Oh my.

"He may not even be in there. There were two survivors. They won't let us see them if we don't try to identify Jonathan first. We will all go in with you. You and Marian can go look together." Andy says. All I do is nod, and finish my breakfast.

We head back to the waiting room, passing many Blackhawks fans. So cute.

As soon as I get to Marian and sit down, the nurse tells us that they are ready for us.
Here goes nothing...

"Okay. So your going to identify Jonathan?" The doctor says. I slowly nod, not knowing what to do. I start to shake, cause I'm by myself. The doctor lifts the first cloth up so I can see the face, I cringed with fright.

But it wasn't Jonny, it was a beautiful women.

"No." I say flatly. He nods and moves on to the next table thing.

I already know that it's not Jonny, because Jonny has long legs.. Unless his legs got cut off. Oh gosh... The doctor pulls the second cloth up, and many tears come out. I look over at Bryan and Andy. Andy looks so heartbroken. But it's not Jonny, it's a little boy that has to be about 9. It tore my heart apart.

"N-No." I gulp. The next one was a girl, she had to be about 13 or so. I told the doctor no. I really start to freak out. Looking at the last table.

As we were reaching the last Marian gives me a quick hug and tells me I'm incredibly strong for doing this, I tell him thanks and go over to the doctor. He lifts the last cloth up, I take a good 20 seconds to process this.

I put my hand over my heart and sit on the floor, crying.

I hear everybody gasp and sobs coming from Andy.

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