Chapter 1- Washington, D.C.

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I was jogging around Washington, D

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I was jogging around Washington, D.C. when a dark-skinned man named Sam Wilson passes me. I was starting to get tired as I struggled to keep pace with him, his long legs faster than my short ones. The Washington Monument stood tall against the dark blue morning sky as it reflected off the waters of the Potomac River.

"Come on, Kaitlyn! I know you can run faster than that." Sam says.

"I'm coming. I'm coming." I puff as I tried to run faster.

I hear the sound of running footsteps from behind me and stop when I see Steve Rogers aka Captain America. "On your left." He says. I couldn't help but roll my eyes when he quickly passes Sam and me. I sigh and continued to run at a slower speed.

"Show off." I mutter to myself.

We were passing by the Jefferson Memorial when Steve quickly comes around again after doing another lap. "On your left." He says again.

"How many was that?" I ask Sam.

"I don't know. But I'm starting to get real annoyed." Sam answers.

Sam and I continue to run when I turn around and see Steve coming again from another lap. "Here he comes." I say.

"Don't you say it. Don't you say it." Sam says.

"On your left." Steve says.

"Come on!" Sam shouts.

Steve sprints around the Lincoln Memorial's reflecting pool as Sam and I try to catch up with him. Steve continues to run a few more laps after Sam and I stop and sit down by a tree.

"Need a medic?" Steve asks, walking up to us.

Sam laughs. "I need a new set of lungs. Dude, you just ran, like, thirteen miles in thirty minutes."

"It's like you never get tired. It's not fair." I say, laying down on the grass.

"I guess I got a late start." Steve says.

"Really?" Sam chuckles. "You should be ashamed of yourself. You should take another lap."

"Sam, don't encourage him." I say, sitting up on my elbows.

"Did you take it? I assume you just took it." Sam says sarcastically, making me laugh.

"What unit you with?" Steve asks, pointing to the symbol on Sam's sweatshirt.

"58th Pararescue. But now I'm working down at the VA. Sam Wilson." Steve gives Sam a hand and helps him off the ground.

"Steve Rogers."

"I kind of put that together." Sam says.

"I assume you and Kaitlyn already know each other." Steve says after Sam helps me up from the ground.

"Yeah, Kaitlyn and I met at the VA about two months ago. I'm her counselor there." Sam says.

Sam works as a PTSD counselor for war veterans who have come home from deployment. He and I connected after I kept having recurring nightmares about Loki. I learned that Loki was still alive after having a dream of him sitting on the throne of Asgard.

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