Chapter 4- Ambush

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I walk through the lobby of the Triskelion after Steve drops me off

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I walk through the lobby of the Triskelion after Steve drops me off. I was stopped by Director Fury when he gently grabs me by the arm and he leads me back to the lobby entrance.

"Come with me." He says.

"Director, what's..."

"Don't say anything. Don't look at anyone. Just keep walking." Director Fury says.

Doing as Director Fury says, we walk outside to a parked black SUV and get inside the vehicle. I turn to Director Fury as he starts the car. "What's going on? Is everything okay?" I ask Director Fury.

"Put on your seatbelt." Director Fury says. I put on my seatbelt and we drive away from the Triskelion.

"You want to fill me in on what's happening?" I ask. "Where are we going?" Without saying anything, Director Fury just gives me a quick glance and turns his attention back to the road.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s been compromised. I hear Director Fury say in my head. I'm on my way to meet with Agent Hill and then I'm taking you somewhere safe.

My heart begins to quicken after hearing these words. I'm not safe? S.H.I.E.L.D. has been compromised? Compromised by who? S.H.I.E.L.D. is the most secure organization in the world. No one can get in without them knowing it. Or so I thought. A look of realization crosses my face.

Is it HYDRA? I ask Director Fury.

I don't receive a response from Director Fury and he continues driving through the city.

"Activating communications encryption protocol." I hear the car's computer say.

"Open secure line zero-four-zero-five." Director Fury says.

"Confirmed." The computer says.

A small picture of Agent Hill pops up on the corner windshield. "This is Hill." She says.

"I need you in D.C. Deep Shadow conditions." Director Fury says.

"Give me four hours." Agent Hill says.

"You have three. Over." Director Fury says.

Agent Hill's picture disappears just as we stop at a red traffic light. I turn my head to see a police car parked right next to us. The two police officers that were inside the car were giving us suspicious looks. I start to become nervous and look at Director Fury.

"Want to see my lease?" Director Fury says to the police officers.

I never left my gaze on the police men and they sound their police horn and drive away. As Director Fury begins to drive off, suddenly another police car smashes into the SUV. We are then surrounded by several other police cars as they crash into us. I start to scream and held onto the closest thing near me as we were being ambushed.

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