s o l d i e r b o y - p a r t 2

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(Timothées Pov)

The last eleven months without her have been hell.
I thought after a week, everything would be at least a little easier, but, turns out I was incredibly wrong.
I haven't been able to go a second without thinking about her, and it's bugging me. I cry myself to sleep every night, and it sounds childish, but what can I do?
I miss her so much.
Today, some soldiers are being sent home, and I wish I was one of them. A couple get sent home every month, and new ones come in. Unfortunately, I'm still here, and I haven't spoken to my baby in almost a year.
What if she moved on? Fell in love with someone else?
Those thoughts are constantly in my head. I can't bear to think that my love has settled down with someone else. No. She couldn't. She wouldn't. At least, I hope not.

(Your Pov)
It's been so long. I haven't really been able to do much besides work. I mope around all day, not bothering to do my hair, or my makeup...nothing.
The only things I've been wearing are Timmys sweatshirts. The scent of them makes me think that he's here, and I love it. Wearing them gives me butterflies, and I miss that feeling. The feeling that only one guy is able to fill me with.
I desperately want to punch the person that came up with the thought that "everyday it gets easier.." that's such bs when your in love.
Today is a different day, though. I won't be able to just mope around in his warm hoodies all day.
Today I had to drive to my hometown in Massachusetts, because my little sister is cheering at her first football game, and she really wanted me to be there.
I used to do cheer in high school, before I started going to school in New York. She's a freshman this year, and I promised that I wouldn't miss her first game for the world.
Although, I was expecting Timmy to be with me...
I thought no more about it. I did my hair, makeup, got dressed and jumped in the car.
I couldn't wait to see my family, and I was hoping that maybe they could take my mind off of Timmy at least for a little while.

(At The Game)
I saw my mom standing by the front gate, waiting eagerly for me with my four older brothers. My dad had to work, but he said he would be there before half time.
I almost cried when I saw my family. I hugged them tightly.
As we payed for our tickets, I couldn't stop thinking about him.
We walked over to the bleachers and took a seat up high, making sure to get a perfect view of my little sister.
I was so excited to see her tonight. I knew that she was going to do amazing.
As soon as I saw her run out to the track, I couldn't help but tear up. I stood up waving like a maniac at her, and I watched as her eyes just lit up when she glanced over at me.
The first two quarters passed, and it was half time. I was so excited to see my sister perform, but then I noticed my mom and brothers get all weird.
My mom and brothers took me down to the gate in front of the track, and planted me front and center.
I just assumed that they really wanted me to see y/s/n perform, so I just went with it. I watched as she walked out onto the field, but her team stopped halfway.
"I thought they were supposed to perf-" my mom cut me off...
"Shhh pay attention." I gave her a weird look, but directed my attention back to the field anyway.
I then saw a big man walk out with a microphone. Soft romantic music started blaring from the speakers up at the commentators booth behind me.
Jeez. Is someone getting married tonight?
I thought. After we did a moment of silence, the man began to speak.
"Hello everyone! I hope your all having a fantastic time tonight. We have a special surprise tonight for a special young lady, Y/f/n Y/l/n. Is there a girl by the name of y/f/n y/l/n?"
My mom and brothers took my arms and led me to the center of the field. I was in total shock. What in the world is going on?
"Hello y/n. How are you tonight?"
"I'm doing alright." I reply. My heart is beating so fast, I can't even think straight.
"Well, that's good to hear. Alright, we have a little something for you, so here's what we need you to do. In a moment, I'm going to ask you to turn around and face the opposite direction. And don't turn until I tell you to. Sound good?"
"Sure." I reply. I didn't mean to come off as snobby, but I was really confused, but also embarrassed that thousands of people were staring at me while I'm standing in the freezing cold, in the middle of a football field with my mom and brothers.
"Alright, now is the time to turn around, and don't turn until I tell you to."
"Gotcha." I said.
The romantic music got louder, and I wanted to die. My heart was beating so fast, I couldn't breath. I almost passed out in front of everyone, but restricted myself from doing anything embarrassing.
Instead I stood there, accepting the humiliation.
I heard a car pull up behind me, and then stop abruptly. I heard footsteps coming towards me, and my heart was beating out of control.
I felt a hand on my shoulder, intimidated I almost shrugged it off, but anticipated, I wanted to turn around.
The person sort of pivoted in front of me, and as soon as I looked up, I saw my dad. I hugged him tightly, but still didn't turn around. How could my dad be such a big surprise? That doesn't even make sense.
The big man started speaking again..
"Alright y/n...on the count of three, you are going to turn around okay?" I nodded.
I saw my parents and brothers recording, and I almost threw up. My nerves were shot. I hate surprises.
"1...2......2 1/2..........and....3!" The big man yelled.
I slowly turned around, staring at the ground.
I saw shoes and legs, and I almost passed out.
No...it can't be-
My head slowly looked up, as tears welled in my eyes. Standing a few feet away from me, was Timothée. I nearly collapsed.
I ran to him, screaming...
"Y/NNNN!!!!" He yelled back.
I jumped into his arms crying. I kissed him long and hard, not letting him go.
He put me down, and I cried into his shoulder barely able to stand.
Everyone and everything around us faded out of existence. As I stood there, I could no longer here the hustle and bustle, the loud cheers from the crowd, my mom crying, the loud music...nothing. All I heard was the sound of Timmys heart beat.
He pulled apart a little, looking down at me. I looked up at him with tears spilling from my eyes. He too was crying uncontrollably. He looked so perfect in his army uniform. I wanted to die. He began speaking to me.
"Y/n baby, i missed you so much. There was never a second that I didn't think about you."
"I missed you. I missed you so so so much babe. I-I can't believe your really here..." I sobbed.
"Well believe it baby, I'm really here. And I'm not going anywhere. I'm never ever leaving you again. I promise."
I snuggled closer into his chest, hiding my face while I cried harder into his neck. He ran his fingers through my hair, and pulled me in closer while rubbing my back, closing any space that was left in between us.
I felt him kiss the top of my head several times. I closed my eyes, and took deep breaths, admiring his scent that I'd missed so much.
I smiled softly as I felt his hands in my hair, it was a feeling that I hated being without.
"I missed this so much..." I sobbed quietly.
"What baby?" He asked.
"Your touch. I hate not being able to just, reach out and grab you. It was so hard trying to get used to the fact that...I couldn't just hold out my arms, and you'd be there."
"Do you know how badly I missed that too?" He mumbled in my hair. His warm breath gave me feelings of instant affinities.
His voice was more like a raspy whisper.
"Not being able to roll over every night and pull you closer to me. Not being able to wake up to your gorgeous face, or take you out at night, cuddle you, and just simply do the fun things we always do. Like building forts in the living room, and dancing like maniacs in the kitchen while baking.
Every single thing I did reminded me of you. I wasn't okay. I cried every night. But I never gave up. I knew you needed me, and I wasn't going to give up until I knew you were sleeping next to me."
Again, I felt speechless. How can he speak so passionately when all I can do is cry? It didn't matter to me though. All I wanted was to cuddle him all night and day.
I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what to say. Instead of thinking, I just blurted something out without even bothering to comprehend what i was about to say to him.
"I needed you. I needed you so bad. It was hard without you, but now that your here, I don't want to talk about it. I just want to enjoy this time with you now, because god only knows how long we have until you get drafted again..."
"No." Is all he said. I looked up at him. He was shaking his head, causing those beautiful brown curls of his to bounce up and down.
"What baby?" I asked in confusion.
"I said no. I'm not getting drafted ever again. I can't be without you for that long ever again, constantly worrying about you. I was so scared for you, because I wasn't there to protect you if anything was to ever happen, or calm you down in a scary situation...it was all too much for me. I need you. I need to be with you, y/n. And trust me, from now on, I'm here for you, I'm going to protect you with my life. I'm never ever leaving you again."
I snuggled back into his chest, smiling at his words, knowing that he wasn't leaving me ever again.
"I feel so safe with you...." I whispered into his neck.
I felt him pull away from me, and he looked at me, while holding onto my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he leaned down and pulled me in close. He kissed me so passionately. We both tried desperately to get closer to each other.
He's my home. He's my world.
I thought. I'm so grateful that he's here, and he's with me, and that nothing happened to him.
He pulled away after a while and embraced me into his chest.
My parents walked over to me smiling. I looked over to my dad and smiled.
  "So, this is why you couldn't make it before the game started? Because you went to get Timmy?" I asked in adoration.
  "Yup. Your mom wanted to be the one to guide you down to the field, so I went to pick Timothée up at the airport. So that's why i said that I would be at the game before halftime."
  "Because you were planning on doing this at halftime...I get it." I giggled.
  I smiled as I looked from my dad to my brothers, tears welling in my eyes.
  "And you guys knew too?" I asked my brothers.
"Yup." They all said in unison.
I looked back up at Timothée, kissed him again, and smiled as I rest my head on his chest.

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