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Jemma: Hello, everyone and welcome back to Hamilton Reacts to 2020! I'm Jemma, and today we'll be reacting to computers. Let's get started! So, today I found a place where you can use desktop computers for free, all the latest models. (I told them I was writing something, which is technically true.) It's about 10 minutes away.

          *After 30 minutes of a very slow and bumpy car ride with a lot of interruptions*

Alex: See? I told you I could drive!

Eliza: Oop...Ugh...G-good j-job, honey.

Philip: Sorry Dad, I think you need some more work. Not bad, though!

Jemma: I'm just glad we have someone who can...partially drive. There are no taxis here, unlike NYC! Wait, I just realized you guys don't know about taxis or Uber. Never mind. But, masks up, everyone! We're going in. 

Kids: WOAH. So cool! I'm gonna get this one!

Eliza:  Wait, guys! Jemma, are they sanitized? I don't want them touching things other people have.

Jemma: Yes, they are. And I think that we should sit one seat apart, just to be safe.

Kids: Awww...alright. 

Herc: How do you turn this thing on? There isn't a button like on the phone.

King George: Samuel, figure out how to turn them on.

Samuel: Alright. I think I have it...there! Everyone press the button with a circle and line!

Laff: Agh! So bright! Where is the dimming button?

Jemma: It's F11, but I didn't expect you to know that. I'm glad you can turn them on!

Samuel: *blushes* Well, we have seen other people use them.

Maria: This is the...mouse? 

Washington: I think so. Look, here's the little thing on the screen.

Alex: I can't see it, let me get my glasses. Oh, there it is! It's like an arrow. Philip, do you see it?

Philip: Yeah, but what am I supposed to do?

Theo: There's a thing called Googa, I think I've seen it before. You type something in the bar.

Philip: Woah! I searched dog and I found a million cute dog photos!

Angelica: And if I search how to plant rosemary, it'll tell me when I click on this! (She's into gardening.)

Peggy: I can look up the musical Lin guy made and listen to it.

John: I can find out what restaurants are open!

Jemma: I'm glad you guys are enjoying it! I need to get some stuff written down, so we'll keep exploring.

Maria: Susan, what are you looking at?

Susan: I'm not sure. I can't read that well or type and there aren't any pictures!

Maria: Oops! Come sit here on my lap, you silly.

Philip: This is so amazing!!! I can find out anything in any language anywhere in the world!

Jemma: I'm glad you guys like computers! I'll give you a little more time, then we're going to go back for our next reaction. I can't believe we fit everyone in here one seat apart, this is a giant computer lab...

Burr: This is very interesting.


Jemma: I have a computer at home, Alex. You can use it. But we need to get going, now.

Alex: Fiiiine, just let me finish-

Eliza: We have to leave...but I'm helpless when he wants to write.

Theodosia: Aaron is hard to tear away from the law, but he's nothing like Alex. No offense!

Eliza: No, none taken, I agree!

Alex: And...done! I wrote a couple of essays on why computers are amazing. Mostly including google docs.

Jemma: In what, like 5 minutes? Where did you even learn to type?

Alex: I have my secrets.

Jemma: Okay...we're going back to the patio for our second reaction, and we'll see you soon!

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