Are You a Slytherin or Not?

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You've never liked people much.

In fact you are confused as to why you're Slytherin

Sure, you're outgoing and sarcastic.

And you cause a lot of trouble.

But are you cunning?

The hat had almost said you were a Gryffindor.

You remember Ron's words.

'Slytherin is the evil house.'

You don't want to be considered evil.

The hat also said you're smart enough to be in Ravenclaw.

Which is surprising, you aren't exactly book smart. Maybe you'll be better at wizard school then you are at "muggle" school.

Honestly you think muggle school just sucks in general. Who needs math? And why does it need to be so complicated.

You internally sigh as the headmaster starts to talk again.

"The forbidden forest is off limits to all students. Also, our caretaker Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you that the third floor corridor on the right hand side is strictly prohibited to anyone who does not wish to die a most painful death."


It was silent for a moment, he adjusts his glasses.

"Now before we start our banquet. I would like to say a few words," he clears his throat, "Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you." Dumbledore finishes his 'speech'.

Everyone claps and cheers for the headmaster.

You clap hesitantly and lean towards Malfoy.

"What do those mean?"

He scoffs, "I don't think anyone knows. I don't even think the old fool himself knows."

He doesn't seem that nice.

You awkwardly lean away and look around at everyone who was in Slytherin.

They don't seem evil.

"No surprise Potter got into Gryffindor. I'm just wondering why the other one is sitting here." You glance at a girl with short black hair and brown eyes. She has a pug like face, it was obvious she's talking about you.

"Leave her be." Came another voice. It was the boy who sits on the other side of you, the one who had introduced everyone in the compartment. He has black hair and brown eyes as well.

The girl scoffs and goes back to talking to someone else.

"Blaise Zabini." The guy who talked back offers.

You look at him and send him a small smile, "y/n Potter. But you probably already knew that."

He laughs, "I did."

You end up talking to Blaise for the remainder of dinner. He's the only one you really want to talk to at the moment, at least in Slytherin. Everyone else seems a bit... rude.

"Alright this is the common room, to get in you say the password pureblood." The wall opens to reveal a green and silver themed room.

The prefect leads you all into the common room.

"Guy dormitories are to the left and your bathrooms are down the hall, same with the girls but to the right. Your stuff is already in your rooms."

The prefect then leaves you all there, walking up the staircase that leads to the male dorms.

"Well, what do you want to talk about?" Blaise asks, turning towards you.

You shift uncomfortably and mutter quietly, "I think I'm just going to go to bed."

"Oh," he sounds slightly disappointed and you feel bad, "okay. That's fine. Goodnight."

You send him a halfhearted small smile and walk up the stairs.

You find your room quite quickly.

Your stuff is on your bed, there's three other beds in the room.

You had been so confident when you entered Hogwarts. You had made friends with Hermione and Neville. And your brother was here.

And then you got sorted into Slytherin.

The evil house.

That's all you could think about.

Ron telling you and Harry all about how evil Slytherins are when you were walking towards the train.

You had ditched them shortly after that.

The other three girls walk in, the only one you recognize is the pug faced girl from earlier.

She stares at you for a second.

"I'm Pansy Parkinson."


"Potter. I know."


She doesn't seem that bad, but then again you aren't sure.

"You know, your brother got sorted into Gryffindor." Parkinson sits on your bed.

You nod, "I know."

"How's he going to feel about you being into Slytherin. You know, the evil house."

You stiffen, "not everyone here seems evil..."

"You mean Blaise? He's okay I guess. Hmph. If you're going to be in the house you should at least fit the part don't you think?"

"I guess..."

"Great, then hang out with Blaise and I. And all our friends. And you'll have to cut all ties with this Gryffindors, and-"

You cut her off, "my brothers in Gryffindor. I'm not just gonna stop talking to him."

She scoffs, "whatever. Don't be a Slytherin then."

Parkinson starts to stand but you quickly grab her arm.

"We can't be friends if I'm friends with Gryffindors?"


"That seems stupid don't you think?"

"You get one chance. You can be friend with them, but you're on our side."

You hesitate, "okay..."

"Good. Now I'm going to sleep. I recommend you do the same. Goodnight."

She goes to her bed and you turn your attention back to your stuff.

You go through your stuff and find the books Hermione let you borrow and your own.

Potions, transfiguration, beasts, etc.

Potions. You grab the book and get under your blanket with your wand.

You remember one of the spells Hermione had told you about.

"Lumos." You whisper, the tip of your wand lights up.

For the rest of the night, you read.

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