It's LeviOsa Not LeviosA

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It's Halloween. And you are stuck in Charms class.

In the muggle world you got to go around and get candy, you and Harry would hide it from Dudley so you two could eat it. Then you guys would eat it throughout the year until next Halloween. Most of the time it didn't last that long though.

You are excited though, the teacher was about to teach the class about the levitation spell.

The teacher put the students into pairs. You, unfortunately, are paired with Malfoy. Again.

Why did every teacher pair you with him!?

"One of the most important skill a wizard can have is Levitation, or the ability to make things fly. Do you all have your feathers?" Hermione picks up her feather and holds it up, "now remember to use the movement we've been practicing, swish and flick. Everyone."

"Swish and flick." The class does the same movement as he had.

"Good. Now the spell is Wingardium Leviosa. Ready? Go."

The class immediately fills with people repeating the spell and waving their wands around.

You watch as Malfoy struggles to do the spell and snort at him.

He scoffs, "what not like you can do it?"

You roll your eyes and stick out your wand before doing the movement while saying, "wingardium leviosa."

The feather lifts in the air.

"Ahh congratulations Miss Potter!"

The class turns to look at you and Hermione sends you a large grin, you return it.

You then turn to Malfoy and stick out your tongue.

He glares at you in response.

You decide to watch your friends since you did it.

You see that Hermione hasn't tried the spell yet and is instead watching Ron, he is her partner.

Ron was waving his wand around wildly and saying the spell slightly wrong.

"Stop stop stop. You're going to poke someone's eye out! Besides you're doing it wrong, it's LeviOsa not LeviosA!" Hermione scolds.

"Well if you're so clever you do it then!"

Hermione clears her throat, "Wingardium Leviosa!" She waves her wand and the feather floats in the air.

"Oh look here everyone! Mrs. Granger has done it as well!"

"Show off." Ron mutters.

Suddenly you hear an explosion. Everyone's attention is drawn to Seamus, the guy who had blown up his own goblet.

Does he blow up everything?

"I think we need another feather professor..." Harry speaks up. You giggle in response to that.


You and Hermione are walking up to Ron and Harry.

Hermione starts to quick walk towards them and you join her.

"It's LeviOsa not LeviosA. She's honestly a nightmare!" It's Ron's voice. Hermione freezes. You expect your brother to defend her or disagree, but he simply nods. A few of the other Gryffindor guys with them laugh or agree.

Hermione bumps her shoulder into Ron and pushes past him.

"I think she heard you." There's your brothers voice.

"You think?" You respond, Harry turns to you wide eyed.

"Y/n I-"

You ignore him and run after Hermione.

You find her in the girls bathroom.

"Hey Hermione, it's y/n. Are you okay?" She doesn't respond, but one of the stall doors open and you can hear sniffling.

You walk into the now open stall and see her with her arms wrapped around her legs, her knees against her chest.

She looks up at you when you enter.

"Hey..." you sit down next to her and wrap your arms around her.

You spend the next half an hour trying to comfort her, eventually she stops crying and you two end up just talking.

Suddenly, in the middle of your conversation about how Hufflepuffs are totally underrated, the door busts open. By bust I mean the bathroom just got a new grand entrance. Practically just destroyed the entire wall.

Hermione lets out a scream and tries to pull you under the sink, but you won't budge.

You're frozen in both shock and fear.

"Y/n come on!" Hermione whisper shouts at you. You snap out your shock and run under the sinks with Hermione. Ron and Harry run inside the bathroom and you stare at your brother like he's insane. He grins in response.

The troll smashes the sinks and you tear your gaze from your brother to Hermione.

Your brother ends up jumping on the troll and sticking his wand up it's nose.

You almost burst out laughing at the fact that the did that.

"Do something!" Harry yells at Ron.



Ron suddenly does the levitation spell that you had learned earlier. The club lifts up off the ground and bangs into the trolls head, knocking it out.

You don't doubt that Hermione had something to do with it.

"Is it dead?"

"I don't think so." You reply to Hermione's question.

"I think it's just passed out," your brother walks towards the trolls nose and pulls out his wand.

"Ew! Troll boogies!"

You watch in absolute disgust as he wipes it on his robes.

You gag at his decision and he sends you a small glare in response.

"Well let's go before anyone catches us!"

Then you hear a gasp, "the four of you! Explain yourselves!"

It's McGonagall with several other teachers.

You look at Ron in response, daring him to tell what happened. He gulps at your glare and starts to open his mouth to explain but Hermione beats him to it.

"It was me professor!"

"What!? No it-" she covers your mouth.

"Harry, Ron, and y/n came looking for me when I went after the troll. I thought I could beat it since I've read all about it. If it weren't for them I'd probably be dead!"

You scoff in response, not doubting that if Hermione hadn't been afraid she could've beaten it with only one wave of her wand and barely trying as she did so.

You see your brother staring at something and follow Harry's gaze to Snape. His leg is bleeding.

When Snape sees Harry and you staring, he quickly covers his leg.

"Well that was very stupid of you Miss Granger. 5 points will be taken. As for the rest of you, 5 points to each of you for sheer dumb luck!"

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