Quidditch... Sucks?

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It's the first game of the season and your brother was playing for Gryffindor, but you are Slytherin. So who to cheer for?

Well that's easy, Slytherin, your brother kinda sucks. You love him, of course.

That doesn't make him suck any less.

Though you kinda feel bad as you watch him, he isn't eating and looks extremely nervous.

You start to talk to your friends at Slytherin table again.

"Potter," he spits the name out, "must be loving this attention. First year seeker. If a Slytheirn had been caught by McGonagall they would've been expelled. No matter how good they are!"

You snort, "are you jealous Malfoy?"

"Why would I be jealous of him!?"

"That didn't answer the question."

"Of course I'm not! I wouldn't want to be like such an idiot as he is!"

"Yep! Definitely not because he rejected your friendship. Ignored your attempted handshake! I can see it as a book now, 'Draco Malfoy and the Rejected Handshake' oh how his father will hear about it." Blaise cries dramatically.

The group starts to laugh, you included. Malfoy attempts to glare for a while before he too breaks into a fit of laughter.

People look at you all oddly.

The laughter quickly dies down as Malfoy jabs Crabbe and Goyle in the side and starts to wildly wave his hands at Blaise, Pansy, and you.

"What?" You ask, what is he doing?

"Turn around! Look at what Potter got." He sounds so annoyed you almost don't turn around.

"What is that?"

You turn around.

"The nimbus 2000."

You see Harry's eyes are wide and follow where his gaze is, it leads to McGonagall with Hedwig on her shoulder. She got him a broomstick.

"It was McGonagall!" You whisper harshly, almost everyone was staring at the broom. Wood had the largest grin on his face, obviously thinking that this will make them win.

"That must be cheating! Right?"

"I don't think it is..."

"Great. They're going to win now!" Malfoy cries, his voice dramatic as ever.

"The broom doesn't matter, I mean it might help, but it's the skill that's important." You retort, you had seen the Slytherin team. They play dirty, that will make them win. They were only okay, but they play dirty.

"Yes! Ha! We'll still beat him- I mean them."


You sit in the stands of the Quidditch fields everyone is cheering so loudly, it hurts your head.

You can barely imagine what the players must feel, they must be so nervous. You doubt you could ever really do quidditch. It sounds like a ruthless sport.

"On one side of the quidditch field we have seven snakes- ouch! Sorry professor! And on the Gryffindor side we have chaser Angelina Johnson, are you singl- ow! I'm kidding professor! We also have Harry Potter who is the youngest quidditch player in a century."

You find Lee Jordan quite amusing, but no other Slytherin seems to, so you don't dare laugh.

After he finishes saying several other things, many which earns him a smack or warning by Professor McGonagall who is probably wondering why she let him do it, Madam Hooch speaks.

"Now, I want a clean game from all of you!" She glances at the Slytherin's as she says this.

Which is fair enough.

She steps toward the box of, what you're assuming is, quidditch stuff and releases several flying balls into the air.

One catches your eyes, it's golden and has wings. It's quite small as well. Malfoy's rants come into your mind, he always ranted about how amazing quidditch is. And how good he is at it.

The snitch.

"The Quaffle is released and the game begins!"

You don't really pay attention to the match, you don't find it very entertaining.

Do they have any other sports here? Like football? Or swimming?

Maybe they did swimming lessons in the black lake.

You keep your eyes on your brother who is quite simply doing nothing. He is sitting on his broom looking around.

The heck?

Isn't he the Seeker? Was that what it was called? You are pretty sure he is supposed to be doing something.

Other than watching your brother, the Weasley twins do catch your eyes. They seem quite amazing in all honesty. They did seem like absolute trouble makers, but that just makes you more interested.

Lee Jordan's commentary is also a highlight of the match. He's hilarious!

You turn your attention back to your brother, his broom is going crazy.

He is holding onto it for dear life, but he slips anyways. He now is only holding onto it with his left hand, barely.

Is this normal for new quidditch players? If it is you most definitely do not want to join.

Screams are suddenly heard from the teachers box, you look to see Snape's cloak on fire.

Your brothers broom stops moving. Had Snape been hexing it?

He extinguishes the fire and looks back at Harry, when he sees him a look of slight relief seems to wash over his face. Though it is barely noticeable and quickly disappears.

Perhaps Snape wasn't hexing it, that doesn't sound like something he would do anyways. Even though he hates him.

Harry gets back on his broom. After a while he suddenly zooms after something.

So he was doing what he's supposed to.

The other seeker also dives after the snitch and when they are about to hit the ground he dives up, but Harry keeps flying down.

What an idiot.

He reaches quite far on his broom to catch it. He falls.

Figured that would happen.

Harry stands up with a sick look.

"Oh please don't tell me he's going to puke! That'll be disgusting!" You cry in protest.

Malfoy nods in rapid agreement, he then sneers, "sounds like something he'd do on his first match."

You roll your eyes.

Your brother, instead of puking up guts, pukes up the snitch. It's wings aren't out, if they were that would probably have been even worse to puke up. How'd he even swallow it? Is he that bad?

"Did he just swallow the golden snitch?" Pansy asks in disgust. Malfoy scoffs.

You nod, "that's Harry for you..."

"So he's an idiot?"


"Harry Potter has caught the golden snitch! 150 points to Gryffindor. Gryffindor wins!"

"Of course they do." Malfoy mutters, annoyed.

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