Finishing the Puzzle?

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You and Harry had finally made up, forgiving each other for keeping information.

Both of you had decided it was silly to argue about such a thing, you have the information now so what's the harm? No one got hurt anyways.

At the moment you were walking with them in the snow.

"Ugh my scar keeps burning." Harry complains.

"Same. We should have a snowball fight." You say, really not caring about the continuous pain on your head. You and Harry had never really got to play in the snow, so this was amazing.

"Yeah! I love the snow." Hermione agrees with your idea of playing in the snow and you can't help the blood that rises to your face.

"Of course!" Harry says suddenly, he starts to run some direction.

"Uh... glad you're agreeing with the idea but there's snow everywhere and-" Harry interrupts Ron quickly.

"No not that," we're running towards Hagrid's hut, "don't you think it's a bit odd that the one thing that Hagrid wants most is a dragon egg and some stranger just happens to have one?"

"Oh my god! You're right! How many people just walk around with random dragon eggs in their pockets?" Hermione rushes, understanding what's going on.

Realization dawns on your face just as you reach the hut. Hagrid is outside.


"Oh 'ello there! What can I-"

"Hagrid who did you get the dragon egg from? What did he look like?"

"I don' know I never saw 'is face. 'E kept 'is hood up the entire time."

"You must've talked to him at least right?"

"Well, 'e wanted to know what sorta creatures I look after. An' I told 'im, after Fluffy, a dragons not gonna be a problem."

"Did he seem interested in Fluffy?"

"Well of course 'e were interested in Fluffy! How of'en do ya come across a three headed dog? Even if ya in the trade! But I told 'im, I said, the trick with any beast is ta jus' know 'ow to calm 'em. Take Fluffy for example, jus' play a bit of music and 'e'll fall right asleep." He seems to realize what he said, "I shouldn' 'ave told ya that."

You all start to run towards the castle.

"Where are ya all going!?" Hagrid calls after you.

You ignore him and continue to run right to Professor McGonagall.

"Oh hello. What can I-"

"Professor! Where's Professor Dumbledore we need to speak to him right now!"

"Ah. I'm afraid the Headmaster is not here at the moment. He received and urgent letter and left to London immediately."

"He's gone!?"

"Yes now you should be-"

You interrupt her, "it's important. It's about the Philosophers Stone!"

She pauses, her eyes widening, "how do you know about the stone?"

"Someone's going to try and steal it!" Harry yells abruptly.

Way to be subtle.

"I don't know how you found out about the stone but I can assure you it is very well protected. Now return to your dormitories immediately!"


"Come on Harry." Hermione cuts him off and grabs his arm, pulling him out of the room.

You're in the hallway now.

"That was no stranger who gave Hagrid the dragon egg, it was Snape! Which means he knows how to get around Fluffy."

You doubt its Snape, but you don't say anything.

"Good afternoon," drawls out a voice.

Snape. You stop and turn around, your friends do the same.

"Good afternoon... now what would 3 Gryffindor and a Slytherin be doing on a day like this?" Snape drawls.

"Uh... we're just-" Hermione is cut off by Snape.

"You want to be careful... people might think you're..." he pauses and glances at Harry, who is glaring at him, "up to something."

You smile widely, "we were just going outside! Since it's so nice out..."

"I see..." he nods at you before walking off.

"What do we do now!?" Hermione asks.

"We're going through the trapdoor. Tonight." Harry says.

You roll your eyes, "sounds fun... see you then."

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