Rufus (Updated)

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Bill's Bedroom
Bill and Ted were relaxing and listening to music until the sound of a knock was heard on Bill's bedroom window. The short blonde male makes his way over to reveal Tori climbing through her bedroom window to his. He opens the window and helps the female climb into his room, "Dude, why climb through the window?" he asked, "You know doors exist"
"I'm not THAT boring, Bill" said Tori, dusting her clothes a bit after finally making her way through the window. A basket of books makes its way towards Bill's window through a clothesline connected between both houses. The one who delivered it was Tori's two younger sisters Anna, age 13, and Milly, age 5. "Thanks guys" said Tori, collecting the basket from the clothesline.

Once the two younger siblings left their sister's room, Tori glanced over at her two best friends. "How's the studying coming along?" she asked, Bill and Ted turn away avoiding eye contact, "You haven't even started yet?"
"No" said Bill and Ted, rather disappointed in themselves. Thankfully, Tori was patient and decided to help the two with studying. Bill was having a bit of a hard time listening, focusing on the female herself reading notes from class and discussing George Washington. He surprisingly had a crush on his best friend since middle school, but what he didn't know is that Tori felt the same about him around the same time. The only person who knew about this was Ted, who was surprisingly good at keeping secrets.

"Okay, let's go over what we learned on George Washington," said Tori, pointing at the short blonde male, "One!"
"Father of our country" said Bill
"Two!" said Ted, jumping on a small trampoline, "Born on President's Day"
"Three, uh... the dollar bill guy"
Tori smiled at her two best friends, "Great work, guys" she said, "I'm impressed"
Ted smiled before asking a rather dumb question, "Guys, you ever made a mushroom out of his head? It's most ex-"
"Ted" said Bill, reminding him that if they don't pass the report tomorrow, it's off to Alaska for him. Ted finally gets back on track, pacing around the room for a bit before saying, "Had wooden teeth, chased Moby Dick"
Bill raised a brow, "That's Capt. Ahab, dude"
Tori giggled, "Wrong subject, Ted, But keep that in mind for English class"

Ted suddenly remembers a trip to Disney World with the Hall of Presidents. Bill and Tori look up at the tall brunette with anticipation, hoping he remembered some history of George Washington or any of the presidents. Sadly, Ted only remembers the animatronic saying "Welcome to The Hall of Presidents" which made Bill and Tori sigh in disappointment, their heads hanging low. Missy enters the room with a plate of burnt grilled cheese sandwiches to serve the teens. Bill somehow entered dreamland as his step mother entered the room and set the plate for him and his two friends, even getting a small peek down her yellow sweater. Tori noticed this and snapped her fingers in front of the short blonde male. "Hey" she whispered, "That's your mom, Bill"
"Yeah, dude" said Ted, agreeing with the female.

Bill's dad makes an entrance to check up on the three teens. "How's it going, guys?" he asked in a friendly manner. The trio sighed and moved themselves to the front of Bill's bed with Tori sitting in the middle, Ted on her left, and Bill on her right. "Bad" said the short blonde male, "We're destined to fail most egregiously tomorrow"
"And I'm destined to end up in Oat's Military Academy" said Ted
"And we'll never start our band"
Bill's father was barely paying attention, looking up at Missy with puppy dog eyes as she played with his beard. The sight of it disgusts the three teens until Tori decides to break the ice. "We can't give up yet, guys" she tells Bill and Ted, "Let's just do our best, okay?"
Missy glanced over at Tori and sat in front of her, "What are you guys studying?"
"History" Tori answered, "It's for our final report tomorrow"
"Mr. Ryan?"
"Tell him 'hi'"

Bill's dad offered the teens some cash so they could take a dinner break. Bill accepts the money, leaving his bedroom with Ted and Tori following behind. After one last look, Bill realized his father and Missy were probably going to the unthinkable in his own bedroom. The very thought of it grossed the teenage girl out. Without another word, the trio decided it was best to leave the house and find another place to study. "Now your dad's going for it in your own room" said Ted, chuckling softly to himself.
"Shut up, Ted" Bill hissed
"Your step mom is cute, though"
"Shut up, Ted" said Tori
Ted continued, "Remember when I asked her to prom?"
"SHUT UP, TED!" yelled Bill and Tori.
Instead of being upset, Ted just smiled and followed his two best friends out of the house in search of a new place to study and grab a bite to eat.

Circle K
Knowing Bill and Ted, they'd rather be anywhere but a library. So the trio have decided to take their studies over at Circle K. Bill and Tori were sitting by the entrance looking over their textbooks and notes while eating some snacks. Ted marches over to the two, mumbling to himself before saying, "The lady in that car over there said that Marco Polo was in the year 1275"
"So it's not just a water sport, I knew it" said Bill, taking note of the fact while chowing down on a sandwich.
"Told you so" said Tori, finishing up her last bit of blue raspberry slushy.
An older woman walks by, which gives Ted the chance to ask her a question. "Excuse me?" he asked, "When did the Mongols rule China?"
The lady shrugged, "I don't know. I just work here"

Tori ruffled Ted's head, "Nice try, big guy" she said, "You guys wanna try the Thrifty mart?"
"Sure" said Bill, throwing away his sandwich while Ted and Tori threw away their slushy and ice cream cup. Suddenly out of nowhere, a large dark cloud appeared in the night sky. Lightning bolts appeared as a strange phone booth appeared before the three teens. "Not bad" said the trio, thinking the whole thing was some sort of lightshow or stunt. It was then that an older man stepped out of the phone booth in a long gray futuristic trench coat, sunglasses, and long dark hair slit back into a low ponytail. "Greetings, my excellent friends," he said to the confused teenagers.
"Who are you?" asked Tori
It was Ted's turn to ask, "Do you know when the Mongols rule China?"

"Well," said the stranger, "Perhaps we can ask them"
The trio stared at the man in confusion, wondering what he meant by 'ask them' in the most casual tone. The man steps towards them, who surprisingly knew each of their names, "Bill S. Preston Esquire, Victoria "Tori" Valentine, and Ted "Theodore" Logan"
The man stops in his tracks, looking up at the trio with a glint in his eyes, "My friends," he said, "I'm here to help you with your history report"
"What?" asked Ted
"How?" asked Bill
Suddenly, a similar phone booth fell from the sky and landed just a few feet from the stranger's booth. The tall brunette leans in towards his friends to whisper, "Strange things are afoot at the Circle K"
"You think?" asked Tori, feeling just as confused as her two friends.

What shocked the trio the most was who came out of the second booth. It was themselves, but how?! This was rather overwhelming for the trio as the future versions of themselves come towards them. "Dudes, you guys are gonna go back in time!" said Future Bill
"Yeah!" said Future Ted, "You are gonna have the most excellent adventure through history"
"What the hell is going on here?!" asked Tori, clearly in shock by what was happening.
Future Tori held her hands out in defense, "I know this is a lot to take in" she said, "But trust me, this is so worth it!"
"Totally!" said Future Bill and Ted

The original trio were still confused until Bill asked, "Who are you guys?"
"We're you, dude" said Future Ted
"Isn't it obvious?" asked Future Tori
Ted shook his head in disbelief, "No way... no way"
"Yes way, Ted!" said Future Ted
"Look, we know how you feel" said Future Bill, saying they didn't believe it either before they left until now. This was all too much, so Tori decided to speak up. "Okay, wait a minute" she said, "Tori, if you're really me, tell me something only I would know"
Future Tori shrugged before leaning in to whisper in Tori's ear. Bill and Ted watched in confusion until Future Tori pulled away with a smirk. Tori stood there in shock. "Oh... my... God!"

It was Bill and Ted's turn to see if the future versions of themselves really are who they say they were. The tall brunette decided to ask possibly the stupidest question known to man, "If you guys are really us, what number are we thinking of?"
Future Bill and Ted glanced at one another with smiles before answering, "69, dude!"
Bill and Ted were in awe, finally realizing these guys were their future selves. It was then both versions of Bill and Ted started performing air guitars while both Toris shook their heads.
"Look guys, we gotta go" said Future Tori, gently pulling the future males back slowly
"Yeah, we gotta get back to the report" said Future Ted, just before he turned to the stranger, who happened to be named Rufus
Future Bill points at the stranger, "Listen to this dude, Rufus" he said, "he knows what he's talking about"
"Right. Oh, and, Ted, give my love to the princesses"
Ted tilts his head in confusion, "Who?"
"You'll see~" said Future Ted

Rufus walks over to the future trio while the original trio stood there, trying to process what just happened. "This.. is too freaky" said Tori
"Yeah" said Ted, "definitely freaky"
"Agreed" said Bill
Future Ted calls to the trio, telling himself to wind his watch, even Tori in case the tall brunette forgets. With one final thanks to Rufus, the future trio head back to their phone booth before saying "Catch you later, Bill, Tori, and Ted!"
The current trio silently waved to their future selves as the first booth disappears, leaving them Rufus and the phonebooth that'll change their lives forever.

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