Iron Maiden (Updated)

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England, 15th Century
It was a rather shocking experience for Socrates, having never been in a time machine before. Let alone a phone booth with three high school students and a cowboy. The phone booth eventually comes to a stop when they land in the middle of a forest on a beautiful sunny day. By the looks of it, they landed in 15th Century England, merchants from a nearby village were walking down a pathway with goods in their hands. While Tori attends to the aid of the Greek philosopher, Bill and Ted inform Billy the Kid of their latest destination and search for a historical medieval figure. "Excellent" said the cowboy
"Billy, you are dealing with the oddity of time travel with the greatest of ease" said Bill, patting Billy the Kid on the shoulder.

"Excuse me," asked the short blonde male to a man walking by, "Do you know where there are any personages of historical significance around here?"
The stranger points ahead, showing a beautiful castle that belongs to none-other than King Henry the VIII. At least according to the history book in Tori's hand after taking care of Socrates' panic attack from the sudden time travel. "Let's go, dudes!" said Bill, eager to head inside the castle in search of their next historical figure.
"Billy, guard the booth" said Ted, "And watch So-Crates"
Billy the Kid pulls Socrates aside to distract the philosopher by playing a game of catch with the football in Ted's backpack, while the trio head towards the castle.

Keeping a distance, Bill and Tori were searching for a random person to take for their history report. "So, who should we get for Medieval?" asked the short blonde male, "How about that gnarly old goat-dude?"
Tori shook her head softly, "No, not that guy" she said, "It has to be someone of higher status. That guy's nothing more than a commoner or a servant. We need someone like a duke, a priest, or maybe a royal-"
It was then the duo noticed the look on Ted's face, like he was suddenly set in a trance. They looked confused until they followed the tall brunette's gaze. There up in a balcony were two beautiful medieval princesses smiling and looking down at the trio. Bill started in awe at the princesses, Tori glared at the two males with anger. However, there was another feeling growing within the teenage girl's nerves. That feeling was none-other than jealousy.

"I'm in love, dude" said Ted, staring at the princesses as he waved towards them. The princesses gladly wave back at them with smiles on their sweet faces.
"Those must be the princesses you told yourself about at the Circle K" said Bill
"We gotta go, guys" said Tori, "Remember, this is a history report, not a babe report"
Billy the Kid and Socrates noticed the jealousy in the teenage girl's voice, but kept it amongst themselves for the time being. "But, Tori" said Ted, the sound of desperation in his voice, "Those are historical babes"
Tori rolled her eyes and walked away to sit by the phone booth. "Do whatever you want" she said, "Just be sure to comeback with a real historical figure"
"You're not coming with us?" asked the short blonde male
"Not a chance"

The two males were shocked, seeing a rather pissed off Tori before going back to the task at hand. Ted comes up with an idea on how to get inside the castle. He and Bill decided to disguise themselves as knights in shining armor, blending in with other pieces of armor to hide themselves from the guards surrounding the area. The armor was rather heavy and made it much more difficult for the two males to move, or as they call it "Heavy Metal"
Eventually, Ted decided to break the ice for a moment as they searched for the princesses. "Hey, Bill?" he asked, "What do you think got Tori so upset back there?"
"No idea" said Bill, "Probably said something to tick her off"
"Come one, dude, you've had a crush on Tori since middle school. I bet she was jealous by the way you looked at the princesses"
"You really think so, Ted?"
"Would I ever lie?"
Bill and Ted paused for a moment, smiling underneath their helmets to say, "No way!"

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure Fanfic (Updated)Where stories live. Discover now