The New Beginning (Updated)

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A week has passed since the trio passed their final report, currently they were practicing in Bill's Garage for their band Wyld Stallyns. Bill is playing his guitar off-key while Tori records him. "You guys ready?" asked Tori
"We're ready, Tori" said Ted, fixing his guitar off camera.
"Okay, Bill, intro time. Ready... and... Action!"
The short blonde male looks up at the camera and says, "I'm Bill S Preston, Esquire"
Bill then switches places so Tori could do her intro. She plays the perfect guitar solo before flashing a charming smile at the camera, "I'm Victoria 'Tori' Valentine~"
Just when Ted was about to do his intro, the tall brunette stopped and sighed silently.

"Guys," he said, unsure of what to do at this point
"What is it, Ted?" asked Bill, placing the camera down to join his friend. Tori does the same and takes a seat next to Ted.
"What's wrong, big guy?" she asked, placing a comforting hand on the tall brunette's shoulder.
"We traveled through time" said Ted, "I mean, we met lots of great leaders and we got an A+ on our history report. And look at us, nothing's different"
The trio thought about it for a moment and it was true. Nothing's changed since their excellent adventure. Tori reassured Ted that it was okay, not everyone changes in the course of one day. "But the point is, you guys proved to yourselves that you're smarter than people think you are" she said, "Maybe not book smart, but smart in your own unique way. And I'm proud of you guys for that"

Ted smiled and thanked his friend before Bill suggested they should start getting Eddie Van Halen. Ted on the other hand thinks it's time for him and the short blonde male to finally learn how to play. Suddenly, the sound of lightning was heard outside the garage, so the trio decided to go and investigate. When the garage door opened, there stood Rufus with two young ladies on either side. It was Princess Elizabeth and Joanna in 80s attire. "Hello again, my excellent friends!" said Rufus with open arms
The trio ran up to the older man and pulled him in for a group hug.
"Congratulations on passing your history report" he said
"Rufus... Babes" said Ted, "We looked all over England for you"
"Where did you get those cute outfits?" asked Tori
"Yeah, you babes look amazing" said Bill

"Rufus introduced us to a place called the Mall" said Elizabeth
"And something called credit cards" said Joanna, pulling out a credit card from her bag. Tori smiled and told the princesses they should definitely go shopping together sometime in the future, to which they happily agree. Rufus told the trio that he arrived just in time to save the princesses from marrying those royal ugly dudes back in England. He even had the spare time to teach Elizabeth and Joanna about living in the 80s to be with Ted.

"How can we ever thank you, Rufus?" asked Bill, holding his girlfriend close
"Yeah, have to do something for you in return" said Tori, leaning against her boyfriend Bill
"Well, you can start by signing this for my kids," said Rufus, pulling out a futuristic album from his pocket. The trio was confused as to why until Rufus explained that they're big fans of the Wyld Stallyns. In fact, everyone is a fan of the band and even became the foundation of the whole society in the future.
"No way" said the trio in awe
"Yes way!" said Rufus, "In fact, I believe you were there"
The three teens then remembered one of the stops Tori dialed after escaping England. The futuristic place with the domes and totally excellent music.

"They totally worship us there, Rufus" said Ted
"I know" said Rufus, "That's why I was sent to make sure you passed your history report"
"So if we never passed our history report, the future we saw wouldn't exist anymore?" asked Tori
Rufus nods, explaining if the trio was separated, the future would've been disastrous for life as we know it. He goes on explaining that Wyld Stallyns' music will help put an end to war and poverty, it'll align the planets, and bring them into universal harmony, allowing meaningful contact with all forms of life from extraterrestrial beings to common household pets. "And..." he said, "It's excellent for dancing"

Eventually the trio signed the album, including Elizabeth and Joanna since they're members of the band as well. This was when Tori noticed Rufus heading over to the phone booth. "Where are you going, Rufus?" she asked, thinking he was leaving already
"I got a surprise for you" said Rufus, pulling out two electric guitars for Bill and Ted to help them start the band. He then pulls out a guitar for Tori and mic set for her to start. "Now I have just one further humble request" said Rufus, "If I might be so honored to jam with you?"

The trio took the offer kindly as Rufus grabs one of the guitars to jam with the band. "Do you know how to play?" asked Ted, curious to know if the man could play or not
"Well, I play a little," said Rufus before playing an excellent guitar solo for the group.
"Most outstanding, Rufus" said Ted
"That was a killer solo" said Tori
"Let's jam!" said Bill, getting in position with his friends

The Wyld Stallyns started as a duo, but now it's changed from a trio to a quintet with Bill, Tori, and Ted on guitar, Joanna on the drums, and Elizabeth on keys. "Bill and Tori, my friends" said Ted, "This has been a most excellent adventure"
"We couldn't agree with you more, Ted" said Tori
"Let's rock!" said Bill, counting down before everyone starts playing off key. Tori on the other hand was covering her ears from the horrible sound the band was making. It was obvious everyone besides the teenage girl knew how to play their respective instruments. But don't worry my friends, they do get better in the future.

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure Fanfic (Updated)Where stories live. Discover now