Napoleon (Updated)

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Circle K
There the trio stood as Rufus guides them to the phone booth that'll change their lives forever. Ted signals the future man to give him and his friends a moment to discuss what had just happened. "Dudes, are you sure we should be doing this?" he asked
"Ted, the three of us had witnessed many things," said Bill, "But nothing as bodacious as what just happened"
"I hate to say this, but you're right, Bill" said Tori, "and when you really think about it, this maybe our only chance to pass the report tomorrow and you won't have to go to Alaska, Ted"
"Exactly, Tori. Besides, we told ourselves to listen to this guy"
Ted looked unsure and asked, "What if we were lying?"
"Why would we lie to ourselves?" asked Bill, reassuring his friends that everything was going to be fine. When the tall brunette and the short blonde male make their way to the phone booth, Tori couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy about her answer. "Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" she asked herself, making her way towards the booth and joining her friends.

It was then the trio wondered how Rufus was gonna help them pass their history report through a phone booth. Perhaps they had to call a historical figure to give them the answers. So many questions were going through the teenagers' minds, but they decided to narrow it down to the important ones. "So, how are you gonna help us?" asked Ted
"Yeah, are you gonna call someone and get the answers?" asked Bill
"Wouldn't it be impossible to call a historical figure when phones haven't been invented yet?" asked Tori
"My friends, we're going to do a lot more than that," said Rufus, dialing a number in the phone booth. The trio looked at the phone booth in awe, wondering what awaits them inside the rather tight space. "Brace yourselves, amigos" said the future man as the phone booth starts running, "My friends, we're history"

The trio screamed as the phone booth suddenly vanished and flew its way through a place known as the circuits of time. Rufus explained that the circuits of history will take them any point of time they wish, with the use of modern technology. The trio watched in awe, seeing that the future was much brighter than they anticipated. "So where, or should I say, WHEN are we going, Rufus?" asked Tori
"You'll see, Victoria" said Rufus, "And you better buckle up, this is going to be a bumpy ride"
"How bumpy?" asked Ted
Suddenly, the phone booth begins to shake, causing the trio to lose their balance a bit. This meant they were close to their destination in time. But where was the question.

Austria, 1805
The phone booth lands on what appeared to be an abandoned castle or farm. The trio make their way out of the said phone booth to get a better look at their surroundings. Tori suddenly tripped on something until Bill caught her before she could fall. "Th-thanks" said Tori, trying hiding her blush
"No prob" said Bill before turning his attention to Rufus, "That was most unprecedented, Rufus"
"Yeah" said Ted, "But where are we Rufus?"
"I think the bigger question is WHEN are we, Ted" said Tori
"Austria, 1805" said Rufus, "The French have just invaded"
On the far side of the field, an army of French soldiers were marching their way into war against the Austrians. Cannons and guns were firing from every angle, just like it came out of a war movie. "Guys, check it out!" said Ted, "We're right in the middle of a war, dude!"
"And look!" said Tori, pointing on the other side of the field, "There's Napoleon!"

And just where the teenage girl was pointing, there stood the infamous French revolutionary generals known as Napoleon Bonaparte. Just like the textbooks say, he was well known for his short appearance, but showed a powerful aura around him. But alas, it was time for the trio to head back home, not without Bill and Ted giving the French man a big hello. "How's it going, dude?!" said Bill and Ted before Tori pulls them inside the phone booth. Eventually, Rufus dials another number in the phone booth, sending the four of them off into the circuits of time once again, unaware of a little surprise coming along with them.

San Dimas, California 1988
The phone booth miraculously arrived back in San Dimas, much to Ted's disappointment seeing they arrived at his house. The trio turn their attention back to the older man. "Rufus, can we go anywhere we want at any time?" asked Tori
"My friends, you can do anything you want" said Rufus, "As long as you remember this. No matter what happens, you must get to that report"
He then goes on to explain that the phonebook within the phone booth will give the trio the number of anyplace they want to go in any time period. But the most important bit of information involved Ted and Tori's watches. No matter what they do, no matter where they go, the clock in San Dimas is always running. "Alright" said Rufus, "Time for me to go"
"What do you mean, Rufus?" asked Bill
"Yeah, aren't you coming with us?" asked Ted
"But that would be cheating, guys" said Tori, "Wouldn't it, Rufus?"
"My friends, you're on your own" those were the last words they heard from Rufus before he left for the future. Not even a minute later, another phone booth appears for the trio to embark on their most excellent adventure.

"Guys," said Tori, "This has been the most unusual day"
"Yeah," said Ted
"Most definitely unusual" said Bill
Suddenly, a loud crash was heard, causing the trio to turn around and see what happened. There on the ground was an unconscious French man. But it wasn't any French man, it was Napoleon himself. "It's Napoleon" said Tori
"Who?" Asked Ted
"The short dead dude from our history review" said Bill
Tori knelt down to check the French man's pulse, thankfully he was alive. "Is he dead?" Asked Ted
"No, just unconscious" said Tori, "He must've fell through the circuits of time when we left Austria"
Bill and Ted stood there in awe.

Suddenly, Bill got himself an idea that might help him and his friends pass their history report. Since Napoleon was here, he thought that maybe the trip could use the phone booth to grab some historical figures to present the report. Tori thought it was a rather ridiculous idea, but she went along with it for the sake of the tall brunette. After convincing Ted's little brother Deacon to look after the French man, the trio were about to embark on their excellent adventure, until Ted's father Captain Logan stops them "I want to speak with you, son" said the old man, glaring down at Ted's friends, "Alone, please, Bill and Tori"
"Sorry, Captain Logan" said Tori, "We'll leave"
The short blonde male and brunette leave the house as Ted was left behind so his father could talk to him alone.

"Great," said Bill, "Now what do we do?"
"Not sure" said Tori, thinking long and hard to help Ted. It was then the two teens glanced at the phone booth, then at each other. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" asked Tori
"Yeah," said Bill, "Let's do it"
The short blonde male makes his way to the phone booth with Tori, dialing Logan's house phone number. Bill decided to take the lead using his best impression of Eddie Van Halen. An odd choice in Tori's opinion, but nevertheless it was enough to distract Ted's father. "Capt. Logan, this is Deputy Van Halen down at the station" said Bill
"Deputy Van Halen?" asked Captain Logan on the other line.
Ted overhears the conversation, turning toward the window to see his two friends creating a diversion. Tori and Ted send an air guitar to one another as Bill continues.
"I'm new, dude-Sir!" Bill corrects himself, "Look, we found your keys, and if you want them, you better come and get him"

Bill hangs up the phone as he and Tori watch Ted's father leave the house and head to the police station. Once the coast is clear, Ted comes out and meets with his two best friends. "Guys, we are in so much trouble" said the tall brunette, "My dad already signed me up. My plane leaves tomorrow night"
"That's only if we fail, dude" said Bill
"And we're certainly not gonna let that happen" said Tori
The trio then glanced at the phone booth, knowing exactly where their future was heading. Without a moment to lose, the trio glanced through the phone book Rufus left for them to explore the places and time periods to visit for their history report. Tori couldn't help but giggle at Bill's mispronunciations of the historical figures in the book, finding it rather adorable. "Hey, Tori, is there one for the western movement in America in the 19th century?" asked Bill, looking down at a number for the western movement in America.
"Huh?" asked Tori, "Oh, uh, let me check"

Ted snickered to himself as Tori gave him a glare while searching through the tall male's bag. Once she finds the report, Tori checks and confirms that the western movement was part of the assignment. Bill dials the number and smiles at his two best friends, "Let's reach out and touch someone" he said.
Once the trio gather around, the phone booth activates and sends them off on their adventure through history. Their first stop, the wild west.

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure Fanfic (Updated)Where stories live. Discover now