Waterloo (Updated)

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The phone booth arrived the next day in Bill's backyard. Missy was busy watering the plants when she noticed the hose stopped working. She turns around to see Bill, Tori, and Ted stepping out of the phone booth as if nothing happened. She did find it rather unusual but kept it to herself by smiling at the trio. "Hi Missy- I mean, mom" said Bill
"Uh, Miss Preston, we'd like you to meet some of our friends" said Ted as he and the short blonde male came up with made up names for each of the historical figures. Tori didn't say anything and stood aside to let the boys do all the work. Bill introduced half the figures as Dave Beeth Oven, Maxine of Arc, and Herman the Kid. Ted introduced the rest of the historical figures as Bob Genghis Khan, So-Crates Johnson, Denis Frood, but kept Abraham Lincoln's name out of respect for the honest president.

Seeing each of the figures step out of the phone box one by one like a clown car was surprising, but Missy continued to act casual and said, "Well, it's nice to meet you all. There's soda's in the fridge"
The blonde female goes back to watering the plants using a spray bottle as Bill asks his step mom for a ride somewhere with his friends. Unfortunately for him and the group, Missy tells the short blonde male that she's not taking him anywhere until his chores are done. Tori reassured everyone they still have two hours before the report, so they might as well start cleaning. Freud was on vacuum duty, Abraham Lincoln and Socrates on laundry, Beethoven was asked to clean the windows, Genghis Khan on the toilet, while Billy the Kid and Joan of Arc worked on cleaning the kitchen.

Tori stayed with Missy to help her out in the garden, watering the plants and changing the soil. "So, you and Bill?" asked Missy, "I mean I know you guys are close, but have you asked the question yet?"
Tori stops potting a plant and removes the gardening gloves. "What do you mean?" she asked, "Bill and I are just friends"
"Yeah, right, I see the way you look at him, Tori. You can fool him, but you can't fool me"
"No way, like I said we're just friends. I don't think Bill sees me as girlfriend material"
"You'd be surprise, sweetheart"
Missy then goes on saying Bill may have a thing for the teenage girl. Telling Tori how the short blonde male would often smile and stare at the teenage girl whenever she talks about anything her mind is set on, making sure she was safe and sound, or even just hanging out with her.

Tori then thought about what Billy the Kid said back in Medieval England about 'true love'. At first, she thought the cowboy was talking about herself as a kid, but he was really talking about Bill's actions back in middle school. Before she could say anything, Bill and Ted arrive to tell Missy their chores were done. Their first stop was at the San Dimas mall, dropping off the historical figures and giving them a detour of the area. The trio left the historical figures at the food court with slushies to enjoy while they go off in search of Napoleon. Tori couldn't help but worry about the figures begging left unsupervised at the mall on their way to San Dimas park.

"What's up, Tori?" asked Ted, "You seem nervous"
"Wh-what makes you say that?" asked Tori
"Well when you're nervous, you stutter and you bite your nails, specifically your thumb nail" said Bill, "Not to mention your leg is shaking"
"N-no it isn't" Tori denied, nervously chewing her thumb nail and her right leg shaking nervously. The short blonde male slowly moved his hand and placed it on the teenage girl's knee to stop it from shaking. Tori cleared her throat and lowered her hand, "I'm just worried about the others" she said, "Don't you guys think it's a bad idea to leave a group of historical figures in a mall with no clue on how our time period works?"
"Tori, you're worrying too much" said the short blonde male, "You just need to relax"
"Bill's right" said Ted, "Let's just worry about Napoleon and head back to check on the others"

The female nods and takes a few deep breaths to calm herself down before they arrive at San Dimas Park for a huge surprise. Tori's younger sister Anna told the trio about the events of last night. Apparently, Ted's little brother Deacon had the idea of ditching the French man while playing with friends at the bowling alley. "You ditched Napoleon?!" said Bill, clearly disappointed in the kid.
"Believe me, it wasn't my idea" said Anna, "I tried to tell Deacon and the others not to do it, but when I came back to the bowling alley with grandpa, he was gone"
"At least we give you credit for trying, Anna," said Tori, appreciating her younger sister for trying. Ted, on the other hand, wasn't impressed with his brother's actions.

"Deacon, do you realize you have stranded one of Europe's greatest leaders in San Dimas?" asked the tall brunette, glaring down at the boy who simply shrugged.
"He was a dick" said Deacon, clearly not seeing what the big deal was.
"That's no excuse, kid" said Tori, "by the way, have you ever told your dad you need braces?"
Deacon raised a brow through the fence, "No"
"You will now!"
Before Tori could climb over the fence to deal with the brat, Bill and Ted quickly pull their friend back to calm her down so they could talk this out. Once the teenage girl was calm, the two males carefully released her just in case she went rogue again.

"Well, now what do we do?" asked Tori, "Deacon and his friends ditched Napoleon, who knows where the short man is right now"
"Yeah, how are we gonna find him?" asked Ted, trying to think of possible places the French man would go to. Bill decided to bring his friends closer so they could figure this all out. "Okay, wait" he said, "If we were one of the greatest generals in history and we were stranded in San Dimas for one day, where would we go?"
"Probably some place that sounds like a great spot to take over" said Ted
"Somewhere that sounds familiar to Napoleon" said Tori
The trio thought it over until they finally figured out where the French man was, the Waterloo waterpark.

Thankfully, Ted still had tickets to the waterpark so the trio went inside with ease. "He's gotta be around here somewhere" said Bill, searching the park for the French man. Tori pulled out some binoculars from the tall brunette's backpack to get a better look. Through the specs, she could see Napoleon pushing and cutting a line to one of the many waterslides with a smile on his face. "There he is!" said Tori, pointing to where the french man went off to. Bill went off to Napoleon's location while Tori and Ted went off to get some towels and the French man's clothes from the lockers. When Napoleon splashed into the pool, his excitement was quickly ruined when the trio of teens showed up, leading him straight out of the waterpark to head back to the mall.

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