Extra Credit, Dude (Updated)

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After what happened to be the gnarliest ride through the circuits of time, the phone booth lands in Vienna, Austria 1901. A gentleman was standing just a few feet away from the trio as they pulled themselves together from the aftermath of what happened earlier. Tori felt rather nauseous from the phone booth with Bill comforting her by rubbing the teenage girl's back gently. "You okay, Tori?" asked Bill
"Not really" said Tori, "That was most non-triumphant"
"You could say that again" said Ted, feeling just as nauseous as Tori.
Once the trio pulled themselves together, they looked at their surroundings. "Where did we land now?" asked Ted
Tori pulled out the textbook from the tall brunette's backpack before glancing over at the gentleman across the way. "That's Sigmund Freud!" she said
The two males followed the female's gaze then glanced at the history book in Tori's hands.
"How much time do we have left?" asked Bill
"Tons," said Ted, glancing down at his watch, "Why?"
"Extra credit, dudes"

Of course in true Bill and Ted fashion, they walk up to the neurologist with smiles on their faces. "How's it going, Frood dude?" said Ted, earning a confused glance from Freud. Suddenly, Billy the Kid pulls out his lasso, pulling the confused gentleman into the phone booth. "What is this?!" asked Freud, "Let go of me. What are you doing?"
Tori kindly apologized to the neurologist, promising him that she and her friends would bring him back after the report. Then off they went to their next destination in Kassel, Germany 1810. This is where the trio decided to grab their next historical figure, Ludwig van Beethoven. The pianist was performing his iconic piece known as Fur Elise when Bill and Ted pop in, literally carrying Beethoven in the middle of his performance. Tori kindly apologized before grabbing a random fan as a souvenir.

The next stop was in Orleans, France 1429. Joan of Arc was entering a church to begin her prayers when the phone booth appeared before her. She thought it was a message from God when she locked with the teenage trio. Ted slowly pulls out his hand for the knight to take, which she gladly does, slowly making her way inside the booth. Eventually, they made it to Outer Mongolia where the famous Genghis Khan was living his life after ruling over China. Ted decided to lure the ruler by using a Twinkie and carefully led him to the phone booth. Their final historical figure was in White House, 1863. This was around where Abraham Lincoln was the President of the United States. A knock on the door was heard after Billy the Kid says, "Candygram"
This attracted the president's attention, making his way to the door before suddenly being dragged into the booth by Genghis Khan. At this point, the trio was running out of room in the booth, seeing it was hard to fit everyone inside.

While going through the circuits of time, Ted reminds his friends that they have plenty of time but are running out of room. "Ted, we're out of control!" said Bill
"Bill's right!" said Tori, "Next place we stop, we gotta try and figure out what's wrong with the booth!"
The trio begin to search around the booth to see what's wrong with it. The tall brunette found the problem right before his eyes. He points at the antenna towards his friends, seeing it was broken and why the booth was going out of control. Everyone screamed in panic until they reached their next destination. Once the booth landed, everyone fell into a huge pile, topping over one another in a rather uncomfortable position. Each of the historical figures climb off each other one by one leaving the trio last.

"Ted, get off of me" said Tori, feeling Ted's body weight pressing against her back. The tall brunette removed himself from the teenage girl. Tori sits up, looking down to see Bill beneath her. The two quickly separate, hiding the blush appearing on both their faces. Ted was holding his laughter as his two best friends glared at him. It was then they confirmed that it was San Dimas, but not their San Dimas. It was in the prehistoric age around 1,000,000 B.C.
The trio came up with a game plan, Bill and Tori focus on trying to get the antenna fixed while Ted keeps the historical figures busy and helps with their needs.

A shiver went through Tori's spine as a gust of wind kissed her exposed skin. "Who knew that prehistoric San Dimas would be this cold?" she said, rubbing her arms to keep warm.
Bill stopped what he was doing and gently placed his purple sweatshirt over Tori's shoulders, "Here" he said, "Wouldn't want you to catch a cold"
"Thanks, Bill"
The short blonde male watches as Tori puts on his purple sweatshirt, which was a bit big on her, but Bill finds him rather adorable. Especially when she smiled and adjusted the cuffs of the sleeves to make it easier to work with. "So, how's fixing the antenna going?" asked Tori, raising a brow at the short blonde male, "Bill?... Bill!"
Bill was so busy daydreaming that he didn't notice that he broke a small bit of the antenna. At this point, they had to figure something else out in order to get back home.

Eventually, Bill and Tori had an idea, asking Ted to give each of the historical figures a piece of gum to act as glue in hopes of fixing the antenna. "I sure hope this works," said Bill, using the chewed pieces of gum to stick the antenna back together.
"Me too, Bill" said Tori, helping the short blonde male with keeping the pieces in place along with the empty cans of pudding. Once the antenna was fixed, the group went inside the phone booth, crossing their fingers with hope that it'll start working again. Sparks appear above the phone booth, starting its engines to their next location. "I think it's working, dude" said Ted
"Let's just hope it can bring us home" said Tori
"Yeah," said Bill

Just like that, the phone booth vanished from prehistoric San Dimas to the Circle K in 1988.
"Hey, that's us!" said Ted, "We're back in San Dimas"
"Yeah" said Bill, "Only now it's not now, it's last night"
"Talk about deja vu" said Tori, "Guess strange things are afoot at the Circle K"
Bill and Ted nod in agreement until the tall brunette got an idea. "Dudes, let's go talk to ourselves" he said with a smile.
"Really, Ted?" asked Tori, "You sure that's a good idea?"
"Please, Tori? It'll be most triumphant"
"... fine, let's go"
Bill and Ted smiled when the female finally agreed on the idea.
"What do we say anyway?" asked Ted, earning a shrug from Tori
"I don't know" said Bill, "Let's go find out"

When the trio approached the past trio, things escalated as they expected since they've been through this before. Tori whispered into her past-self's ear about her having a crush on Bill ever since middle school, which the present one smirked after seeing Past Tori's shocking reaction. Bill and Ted also had their fun answering the number question saying, "69, dude!"
Eventually they encountered Rufus, earning a smile and a small bow from the future man. "Listen to this dude, Rufus" said Bill, telling the past trio to trust their friend. Even Ted told his past-self about giving his love to the princesses, whom he would meet very soon.

Rufus approaches the trio and brings them a safe distance from the past trio so they could talk. "My friends," he said, "Is everything alright?"
"Yeah" said Ted as Bill nods silently
"Except for one thing" said Tori, "How come the number we dialed for San Dimas brought us here instead of to tomorrow, Rufus?"
"Because in San Dimas it is tomorrow, Victoria" Rufus explained before tapping her forehead, "You have to dial one number higher"
"Oh, Yeah! Thanks, Rufus"
"That makes so much sense" said Bill

"You'd better hurry," said Rufus, "because you don't have much time"
"What do you mean, Rufus?" asked Ted with a smile, "We got 10 hours left!"
Tori shook her head as she looked down at her watch, hating being the bearer of bad news that they actually have two hours left. This also meant that Ted forgot to wind his watch after reminding himself not to. The tall brunette then decided to remind himself and past Tori again by yelling, "Ted, don't forget to wind your watch! Tori, do the same in case I forget!"
The trio thanked Rufus before heading back to their phone booth. "Catch you later, Bill, Tori, and Ted!" the trio said with smiles on their faces before heading off to the next day in San Dimas.

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