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Before I close my eyes
I think about you
They flood back
They're like the sea
With its high tides
And I'm the sand
Every grain of my body
Gets drenched as they fill me

I close them
There you are
Standing right there
In front of me
Shivers, they run
Down my back
As though
I had seen a ghost
But it was
Only you

Every morning
I awake
You consuming my mind
Even whilst I was asleep.
Do I love you?
I question
Or do I love the memory
Of you?

*text tone*

Your name
Floods my phone's screen
As the sea did to me
And my stomach
Gets washed away
By the butterflies
In the sea.
"I love you"
The text read.
"I love you too"
I realize.

Words of Sorrow and JoyWhere stories live. Discover now