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Hi guys i hope you all enjoy reading my book The Nerd Has A Secret this is my first book that i have ever written so i apologies if it is a bit shitty. before i give you the description fair warning there is swear words and so graphic sexy parts e.g making out, sex and stuff like that. 

Natalie or Nat is a teenager who has gone trough hell and back . Her dad died of cancer and her mother hates her, she lives on her own and has a secret no one knows. Andrew or Drew is a teenager but is also a player, he and Nat were friends when they were younger but grew apart. his parents are divorced and he lives with his mom in a two story home.they both hate each other are do they?what happens when Nat has to tutor him? will her secret come out? how will it effect him?wait and see.

also during every post i will be uploading a music video that has nothing to do with the book so if you want you can watch it, it is mainly to help keep you mood up. if you have any music video suggestions leave it in the comments and i will add it to the list.  

thank you for choosing to read this book  if you like it which you might or might not leave a like and or comment it would mean a lot also subscribe i guess if that is the right thing to say.

bye guys have a great day or night wherever you are . also it a piece of chocolate you can never have to much. 


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