Chapter 11

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hope you enjoy the music this one was from a viewer who texted it to me so enjoy 

= Bruno mar lazy song  

As I stare at Drew, he looks at angel "what are you doing here Drew" ignoring my question "who is she?" I gulp "Drew meet angel my daughter" " how old is she" " maybe we should talk inside" I lead him inside he sits down on the couch while I put angel in her room I walk down stairs staring at me "how old is she?" "she is on will be two in 3 months September 10" I say nervous I see something flash in his eyes realization " is she mine Natalie" I freeze the whisper a yes "so did you ever think hey why not tell Drew that he is father' " I was I promise I was but then I could not do it I was scared you did not want it so when my mom found she said she would look after her for a while I get a house and have enough money plus I was going through a lot of shit" " when did she get here?" " this morning 3 months ago mom called said she cant look after her anymore so she said I have three months and here she is" he is shocked and does not say anything " what where you going through that you could not tell me that I have a kid" I huff " I can't tell you I want to but I am scared to" "Nat it is me Andrew Garcia we have know each other since preschool I had sex with you, you can tell me anything" I huff and think I know I can trust him so I will " if I tell you, you have to promise that you won't tell no one, not even Eric knows this, can you do that?" he nods I look into his eyes and see nothing but the truth " well get comfy it is a long story" I take a deep breathe and start telling him everything from my past.

sorry if this post is short but the next one will be long so dont hate on it hope you enjoy and have a great day or night wherever you are also have a piece of chocolate you can never have enough. bye guys enjoy your life and stay safe. 


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