Chapter 13

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hope you enjoy the song  masterpiece by jessie j 

if you have a suggestion on what song next let me know  

There stood Eric with a happy expression " where is she" ha pushes through the door " calm down she is asleep Drew is putting her in her crib" I almost laugh at his expression "Drew as in Drew form our school bad boy Drew the father of your daughter Drew" I laugh so hard I almost fall on the ground " I actually prefer to be call Drew or Andrew but I guess those words would work" a voice say I turn and see Drew coming down the stair staring at Eric I laugh even harder " omg Eric say hi to Drew or as you like to call him in secret the hottie of the school" I laugh again as Eric face turns red and Drew looks like he is about to break down a laugh " yeah hi Drew" Eric says still red " hey man, and don't worry I mean like everyone thinks I am a hottie" I roll my eyes while scoffing " trust me you are no hottie" " really than why did you sleep with me" I roll my eyes cause I don't have a smart answer to be honest I drank to much and he came up to me and kissed me but I knew what I was doing the whole time but I just could not stop the kiss was different I felt sparks " anyway I just came to see my niece, where is she" Eric says looking at me " sorry but maybe you can see her tomorrow Drew just put her to sleep and is going to spend today with him" he nods then smiles " ok then I will be gone by guys and this time use protection" he says with a smirk then runs out of the house' I scoff then turn to see Drew staring at me " well I am going to change into my uniform for tonight eat what whatever you want and call me if something happens" I was about to go upstairs when the doorbell rang I go and open it and see my auntie " hey what are you doing here" " I came to say hi and check on my niece" I laugh " well she is asleep but come on in" I lead her into the living room where Drew is watching tv " um Drew this is my auntie and the new principal she will look after Angel during school and May this is Drew my friend and Angel's father" they shake hands " nice to meet you mam" I laugh so does May " oh please can me May" he nods " ok well I will see you guys tomorrow be at my office at 8:30 before school ok" we both nod and she leaves. I go and change clothes and leave the house after saying bye to Drew. I finish work around 10 pm and drive home when I walk into the house I see Drew sleeping on the couch with the house still clean I go check on Angel and see she is asleep I grab a blanket and cover Drew and go to bed.

hey guys hope you enjoy the post and sorry for not posting picture I will soon. have a great day or night wherever you are. also have a piece of chocolate you can never have enough. bye guys 


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