Chapter 17

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hope you enjoy the song dancing own my own by Calum Scott 

I wake up to the light in my face and notice that there is a hand on my waist and that hand belongs to my baby daddy and crush yes I will admit it I might have feelings for Drew but I will not admit it until he does first which might never happen. I turn to look at Drew too see he is asleep his hair over his eyes I reach out and move his hair out of his eyes and play with his soft smooth hair and then his eyes open then I see his ocean eyes I quickly try to move my hand but he just puts it back " don't stop it feels nice" I just laugh and continue until I hear the sound of crying and realize it belongs to Angel " ok calm down girl I am coming" I laugh and attempt to get up but Drew just pushes me back " Nat relax let me get my baby girl you relax" " no it is fine I know you like to sleep in and I have to get ready it is 7am we have an hour and a half" he just nods and goes back to bed I get up and grab Angel " hey baby let's get ready yea leave your daddy to sleep. We both get dressed and I head into the kitchen where I see Drew's mom " hey Natalie good morning Angel" I laugh at her cute baby voice " hi Chrissy, do you mind if I use your blender to make Angel something to eat?" she waves it off " yeah no worries if you need anything let me know" I laugh " thank you" and head to the kitchen. I place Angel on her baby carrier and grab 2 bananas and put it in the blender and mix it together after it is done I put it in a bowl and grab a spoon I go to feed Angel when the bowl and spoon is taken out of my hand " let me do it" Drew says I look and see he is wearing his signature black jeans and top showing off his tattoos I just nod he smiles showing he perfect white straight teeth and walks to Angel and feeds her. I grab an apple and eat it then head to clean up Angel.

After cleaning up Angel I go and put her in my car with a bag full of diapers, toys, milk and a change of clothes along with a pacifier I already got my Aunty to put a crib in her office and it has a connecting bathroom. I buckle her in when I see Drew coming out of the house "so I meet you at the school?" Drew asks I nod " yeah just head to the office and walk in the secretary will try to stop you just ignore her" he nods and walk into his car I sit in mine and drive off to school. I reach school and see it is empty and grab Angel and walk into the school and head to the office. I walk in to see Drew sitting there talking to May " hey guys" " what took you so long" Drew asks I scoff " just cause I have a very fast car does not mean that I am going to speed I would have but I have Angel in the car" he nods then smiles while taking Angel out of the carrier " ok so I was thinking you both drop her off everyday at 8:30 and hang out till 9am or to when you have to leave I might not be here at 8;30 but I will be here before 9 so you can stay till then during lunch you can come and check up at her and chill but leave her in here if you tell your friends they are not allowed in here you can take her out but bring her back before class if you need to leave early just come in and then take her out at the end of the day" she says in one breathe but we understand and nod. We spend up until 8:50 together with Angel till we leave "ok so see you hear at lunch then?" I ask Drew he nods then smiles " yeah I will be here I am not going to miss the opportunity to eat with my baby girl and my baby mama" I laugh the nod with a slight blush and smile " kay see you later then" he nods and gives me a quick peck on the cheek and walks off and I do the same.

hope you enjoy the post have a great day or night wherever you are  and remember you are special. 

also have a piece of chocolate you can never have enough bye guys also stay safe.


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