chapter 21 ( sex scene WARNING)

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 I fall on the bed with Drew on top of me and we continue to make out he moves his lips down to my neck a collar bone " ahh" I moan I pull his top off and suck his neck leaving my mark as he does to me " ahh fuck" he moans. We continue to make out until I am left in my underwear and bra and he is in his boxers and we part lips to breathe we both have a dozen marks on are bodies " are you sure you want to do this I mean we just admitted our feelings are you sure?" he asks almost out of breath I smile and nod " yeah I have bine wanting this since our first time together so yes I am sure" he smiles " wait are you on birth control or not?" I think about it " no I am not but I don't mind but if you want to you can get a condom" we both laugh " I don't mind if we end up having another baby then why not" he kisses me and unclasps my bra and pulls my underwear on he kisses my breasts and sucks them while massaging the other one then pulls down his boxers then grabs his dick then put it in me "ahh" I moan god he is so big " go faster" then he starts pounding in me "omg" then I climax along with Drew " wow" Drew says " yeah wow" we both laugh and he kisses me lets just say we did not get much sleep well when you have a daughter who is always asleep why not we did it 5 times more.  

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