Chapter 20

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hope you enjoy the song 

We walk into my houseand I drop angel and mine bag on the floor along with my shoes. Drew goes andputs angel in her play pin "hey I am going to make angel and our dinner" hesays with a smile I nod "yeah sure thank I am going to get dressed" I say andwalk into my room I pick my outfit for tonight with is undergarments with a bigshirt and long knee high socks I got take a shower then change my clothes andwalk downstairs to see Drew feeding Angel while having a massive smile on hisface I can tell how much he love being a daddy I feel so bad for him notknowing her but we are all here together if only I could tell him how I feel helooks up and sees me as I walk in the living room and he just stares at me withthe look of love? And a look I know really well which is lust. We spend therest of the night watching Disney and playing with Angel right now it is 9 pmand Angel just feel asleep I am putting her in her crib and walk into my roomto see Drew looking at me right when I am about to ask what is going on Drewcomes to put and pulls my into a kiss and all I feel is sparks we break thekiss and Drew whispers " I really like you and I want to be with you" "I likeyou too" I kiss him again it is a bit more rough but very passionate I put myarms around his neck and he puts his hands on my waist we keep kissing and hemoves his hands down to my thigh and lifts me up I wrap my legs around hiswaist as we walk to my bed.

hey guys how are you sorry i am posting later then i am suppose to but i can tell you this book is almost done.

i am going to post to part the next part that is coming out today along with this post is very graphic it is basically a sex scene i add not do this myself i had some help so you do not have to read it if you do not want to your decision. 

have a great day or night wherever you are also have a piece of chocolate you can never have enough bye guys.


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