Chapter 18

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hope you enjoy the song 

It is currently 2nd period I have math right now I head in and see Eric and I walk over to him " so what happened and where is you lovely baby that I need to see soon" he says in a low voice so no one can here us " she is with May my Aunt and our new principle" " OMG YES" he says in a loud voice that brings attention to us " I have miss her so much and I cant wait to see her and Angel" I laugh then nod. We spend the whole period and next laughing and making jokes while talking about Angel. It is lunch time and I head to the office with Eric so we can see my kid and my Aunt. We walk to the door and see it is slightly open I look through the crack and see Drew playing with Angel and talking " hey baby girl I am going to tell you a secret ok you cant tell no one" I look at Eric trying not to laugh " ok so when me and you mom made you I pretended to be drunk cause I always had a crush on her we used to be friends but then I realized I liked her and became a bad man so when she was dancing I just went for it and kissed her so that is how you were born so I guess what I am trying to say is that I really like your mom hopefully I will be able to tell her in person" he says then kisses her head and continues playing with her while I stand there with my eyes tearing up I turn and look at Eric who has a smile I smile too while he whispers " well looks like he like you back" I slightly laugh then try my tears and walk through the door he looks at me then freezes " you did not hear anything did you?" he asks slightly terrified I fake the shock look " what are you taking about I just came now, oh I hope you don't that I brought Eric he wanted to see Angel and May?" he shakes his head and laughs then May comes in " OMG hi Eric" " MAY my favorite Aunt" I laugh " she is not your Aunt" " yes I am I Eric I am your Aunt" I roll my eyes " so how has my Angel been so far getting sick of her?" I ask my Aunt while holding my baby in my arms with she plays with my hair " no she was good but kept on talking and saying blahblahblah a lot" I laugh while Drew smiles " that is great that means she is going to start talking soon" Drew says and I look at him with confusion " how do you know all this baby stuff don't tell me you have been reading about have you?" I tease but also ask him "no I have a niece and I look after her and maybe I read one book" he says looking down with a slight blush I laugh. Eric and May left me and Drew alone to spend some time with Angel before are last two classes I then realizes something while I am feeding Angel her bottle and Drew is watching tv in the office " hey what did you tell your friends when you left them to come here?" "I told them I had things to do and left why?" I laugh " well I kind of feel bad I told my friend Eric and you have not told Grayson yet so I think if you can trust him you can tell him plus I want to hook him up with Eric" he laughs then nods his head " ok I will text him to come here" I nod then start to burp Angel while there is a knock on the door Drew opens it and in pops Grayson with Eric " hey guys what is going on and why is there a baby oh hi Nat" " hey so what I have to tell you is important you cant tell anyone ok" Drew asks with Gray nods his head " ok so remember last year when I told you about me sleeping with Nat but she left before I woke up well Gray meet Angel Nat's daughter" Drew says Gray looks at Angel and then something clicks in his head " wait that is your kid you both are parents you're a dad" we both nod with trying not to laugh cause Gray is about to lose it he takes a deep breath then smiles " well I wont tell anyone but can I hold her" he asks shyly I laugh while nodding and hand her to him normally she has trouble with other people which is why she is crying right now " what did I do" I laugh " don't worry she is just not new to random people touching her she will get used to you in fact how about all of you come over to my place tonight pizza and games you in ?" they all nod then the bell rings " well time to go to class lets go" I place Angel down and May comes in we say bye and walk to our two classes which is double English which we all have together. 

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have a great day or night wherever you are also have a piece of chocolate you can never have enough bye.


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